The Field of Evolutionary Neuroscience: A Commentary on “Rethinking Norm Psychology” by Cecilia Heyes

PJ Richerson, S Gavrilets - Perspectives on Psychological …, 2024 -
2 Richerson, Gavrilets emotional circuits. Because of the relative simplicity of these circuits,
this can be done in mammalian model organisms such as rats. The results can be …

Boldly going where no brain has gone: Futures of evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

SM Platek, A Hasicic, AL Krill - Futures, 2011 - Elsevier
Evolutionary cognitive neuroscience (ECN) is a new discipline that employs methodology
from cognitive neuroscience to study, in vivo, the proximate mechanisms of putative evolved …

[PDF][PDF] The seven sins of evolutionary psychology

J Panksepp, JB Panksepp - Evolution and cognition, 2000 -
Modern evolutionary psychology is demonstrating, once again, that an uncritical enthusiasm
for the gene's-eye point of view can easily lead to conceptual excesses that go far beyond …

Network neuroscience and the adapted mind: rethinking the role of network theories in evolutionary psychology

N Elimari, G Lafargue - Frontiers in psychology, 2020 -
Evolutionary psychology is the comprehensive study of cognition and behavior in the light of
evolutionary theory, a unifying paradigm integrating a huge diversity of findings across …

Neuroscience in context: the new flagship of the cognitive sciences

WD Christensen, L Tommasi - Biological Theory, 2006 - Springer
Cognitive neuroscience has come to be viewed as the flagship of the cognitive sciences and
is transforming our understanding of the nature of mind. In this paper we survey several …

Cognitive Neuroscience of Adult Social Interactions

CE Forbes, JH Grafman - The Sage Handbook of Cognitive and …, 2023 -
Anthropologists have long argued that as humans evolved the ability to interact with other
humans, coordinate with one another, and work harmoniously in groups, their dominance …

[PDF][PDF] Can we be epigenetically proactive?

K Evers - Open Mind, 2014 -
Contemporary neuroscience no longer views the brain as an input-output processing device
but as an autonomously active, self-referential, and selectional system operating in a …

Grand challenges of evolutionary psychology

R Kurzban - Frontiers in Psychology, 2010 -
Researchers in evolutionary psychology face the same grand challenges as researchers
who eschew the evolutionary approach in their own fields of study. Why, and when, do …

[PDF][PDF] Comparative approaches in evolutionary psychology: Molecular neuroscience meets the mind

J Panksepp, JR Moskal, JB Panksepp… - Neuroendocrinology …, 2002 -
Evolutionary psychologists often overlook a wealth of information existing between the
proximate genotypic level and the ultimate phenotypic level. This commonly ignored level of …

Evolutionary psychology: The wheat and the chaff

FBM De Waal - Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2002 -
Evolutionary approaches are on the rise in the social sciences and have the potential to
bring an all–encompassing conceptual framework to the study of human behavior. Together …