A tutorial on MM algorithms

DR Hunter, K Lange - The American Statistician, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
Most problems in frequentist statistics involve optimization of a function such as a likelihood
or a sum of squares. EM algorithms are among the most effective algorithms for maximum …

Surrogate maximization/minimization algorithms for adaboost and the logistic regression model

Z Zhang, JT Kwok, DY Yeung - Proceedings of the twenty-first …, 2004 - dl.acm.org
Surrogate maximization (or minimization)(SM) algorithms are a family of algorithm that can
be regarded as a generalization of expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms. There are …

[图书][B] Multi-rate modeling, model inference, and estimation for statistical classifiers

O Cetin - 2004 - search.proquest.com
Pattern classification problems arise in a wide variety of applications ranging from speech
recognition to machine tool-wear condition monitoring. In the statistical approach to pattern …

[图书][B] Adaptive classifier design using labelled and unlabelled data

B Krishnapuram - 2004 - search.proquest.com
In statistical pattern recognition the goal is to accurately classify samples based on a set of
descriptive predictor variables (features). The design of pattern recognition systems involves …

[引用][C] Mixture distributions (update)

DM Titterington - Encyclopedia of statistical sciences, 2004 - Wiley Online Library

[引用][C] Mixture Distributions—II

DM Titterington - Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 2004 - Wiley Online Library

[引用][C] Augmentation and Majorization Algorithms for Squared Distance Scaling