Genetic integrity of cryopreserved plant cells: a review

K Harding - CryoLetters, 2004 -
Cryopreservation techniques exist for some 100 plant species. Cryopreservation for the long-
term conservation of in vitro germplasm results in the exposure of tissues to physical …

Establishment of a cryopreserved gene bank of European elms

L Harvengt, A Meier-Dinkel, E Dumas… - Canadian Journal of …, 2004 -
Deux laboratoires ont réalisé conjointement la cryoconservation dans l'azote liquide d'un
groupe de 444 clones issu de la collection d'orme (Ulmus spp.) réunis dans le cadre d'un …

A cryopreservation method maintaining the genetic fidelity of a model forest tree, Populus tremula L.× Populus tremuloides Michx.

S Jokipii, L Ryynänen, PT Kallio, T Aronen… - Plant Science, 2004 - Elsevier
The aim of the present study was to develop an effective cryopreservation method for hybrid
aspen (Populus tremula L.× Populustremuloides Michx.), an economically important woody …

Plant recovery of cryopreserved apical meristem-tips of Melia azedarach L. using encapsulation/dehydration and assessment of their genetic stability

A Scocchi, M Faloci, R Medina, S Olmos, L Mroginski - Euphytica, 2004 - Springer
A cryopreservation process usingencapsulation/dehydration technique was setup for apical
meristem-tips of invitro plantlets ofparadise tree'(Melia azedarach L. var. gigantea, cloneEl …

Recovery of cryopreserved embryogenic cultures of maritime pine-Effect of cryoprotectant and suspension density

L Marum, C Estêvão, MM Oliveira, S Amâncio… - …, 2004 -
Embryogenic cultures were obtained from seeds of open-pollinated maritime pine trees
representing part of a breeding population. The aim of the present study was to develop and …

Изучение меж-и внутривидовых различий по устойчивости к действию фтора у сибирских видов лиственниц методом культуры in vitro

ВН Шмаков - 2004 -
Актуальность проблемы. Антропогенная деятельность сопровождается образованием
многочисленных токсических соединений, среди которых к числу наиболее …

[PDF][PDF] Forest Genetic resources

Þ Eysteinsson, A Sigurgeirsson, Ó Eggertsson… -
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Rannsóknastöðvar Skógræktar Nr. 21 ágúst 2004 Forest Genetic resources Their use and …