[图书][B] Social class in modern Britain

G Marshall, H Newby, D Rose, C Vogler - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
The book incorporates three alternative conceptions of class. Erik Olin Wright's structural
Marxist account is set alongside John Goldthorpe's occupational class schema, and the …

[图书][B] Self-employed workers organize: Law, policy, and unions

C Cranford - 2005 - books.google.com
Page 1 Cynthia J. Cranford, Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko SELF- EMPLOYED
WORKERS ORGANIZE Law, Policy, and Unions Page 2 Page 3 SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS …

Zum Einkommen der freien Berufe: Eine Ordered-Probit-Analyse ihrer Determinanten auf Basis der FFB-Onlineumfrage

J Merz, P Paic - 2005 - econstor.eu
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht aus einer mikroökonomischen Perspektive die
Determinanten des Einkommens aus einer freiberuflichen Tätigkeit. Im Gegensatz zu …

Costos en la calidad de vida del profesor y su influjo en el rendimiento de los alumnos

M Villarroel, J Wooding - Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 2005 - rieoei.org
Se intenta dilucidar si los" Costos en la Labor del Profesor" existen y si éstos incidirían en el
rendimiento de los alumnos. Para ello operacionalizamos el concepto" Costos para el …

Třídní analýza v současných kapitalistických společnostech: Erik Olin Wright a John Goldthorpe

T Katrňák - Politologický časopis-Czech Journal of Political …, 2005 - ceeol.com
Třídní analýza je výzkumný program, jehož cílem je empiricky mapovat třídní strukturu a
ustavování sociálních tříd. Na rozdíl od oficiálních schémat nebo zaměstnaneckých …

Do Technological Changes and Organizational Context Affect Job Autonomy?

S Choi - 2005 - repository.lib.ncsu.edu
This paper examines when jobs are autonomous in the labor process and under what kinds
of circumstances workers achieve more control of their work process. The degree of skill …

[PDF][PDF] Organizational Politics and Relational Inequality: The Generation of Wage Inequality in the Production Process

DR Avent - 2005 - repository.lib.ncsu.edu
Previous research on stratification, primarily shaped by the status attainment tradition, has
analyzed inequality as a function of individuals? statuses within a whole economy as …

Class Analysis in Contemporary Capitalist Societies: Erik Olin Wright and John Goldthorpe

T Katrňák - Czech Journal of Political Science, 2005 - czechpolsci.eu
The article deals with class analysis in contemporary capitalist societies. The first part
introduces the neo-Marxist version of class analysis and Erik Olin Wright's class schema …

Income of Liberal Professions-An Ordered Probit-Analysis of its Determinants Based on the FFB-Online Survey

J Merz, P Paic - 2005 - papers.ssrn.com
This study analyses income determinants of freelancers (liberal professionals) from a
microeconomic perspective. In contrast to recent publications a new database is chosen, the …


西村純子 - 家族社会学研究, 2005 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 本稿では育児期後の有配偶女性の家族生活ストレーンの規定要因を明らかにする.
本稿で特に注目するのは, 仕事に関わる要因が家族生活における役割過重にどのようなインパクト …