[PDF][PDF] Benchmarking the resilience of organisations

AV Stephenson - 2010 - ir.canterbury.ac.nz
Our world is more technologically advanced and interdependent, risks are increasingly
shared across local, regional and national boundaries and we are more culturally diverse …

The art of measuring nothing: The paradox of measuring safety in a changing civil aviation industry using traditional safety metrics

EA Lofquist - Safety science, 2010 - Elsevier
Measuring safety as an outcome variable within the ultra-safe civil aviation industry during
periods of deliberate organizational change is a difficult, and often fruitless, task. Anticipating …

The high reliability organization perspective

SWA Dekker, DD Woods - Human factors in aviation, 2010 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary High reliability theory describes the extent and nature of the effort that
people, at all levels in an organization, have to engage in to ensure consistently safe …

Accident analysis and hazard analysis for human and organizational factors

MV Stringfellow - 2010 - dspace.mit.edu
Pressures and incentives to operate complex socio-technical aerospace systems in a high-
risk state are ever present. Without consideration of the role humans and organizations play …

A Resilience Engineering approach for the evaluation of performance variability: development and application of the Functional Resonance Analysis Method for air …

L Macchi - 2010 - pastel.hal.science
This thesis demonstrates the need to develop systemic safety assessment methods to
account for the effect of performance variability on air traffic management safety. Like most …

Riscos e sinistralidade laboral: um estudo de caso em contexto organizacional

J Areosa - 2010 - repositorio.iscte-iul.pt
Este estudo apresenta os resultados de uma investigação realizada numa empresa de
transportes públicos urbanos, do ramo ferroviário, que se encontra situada na área …

Fratricide in air operations. Opening the black-box: revealing the'social'

AJ Masys - 2010 - figshare.le.ac.uk
In a study of accidents among major air carriers, 88% of those involving human error could
be attributed to problems with situation awareness (SA); similarly problems with SA were …

[PDF][PDF] Adaptation des systèmes, adaptation des operateurs: de la résilience à l'ergonomie et retour

L Cuvelier, P Falzon - … DE LA SOCIETE D'ERGONOMIE DE …, 2010 - ergonomie-self.org
Résumé L'évolution des systèmes sociotechniques appelle un développement toujours
croissant des moyens mis en œuvre pour assurer la sécurité. Dans ce contexte, une …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring risk governance in a global transport system

BB Tjørhom - 2010 - uis.brage.unit.no
Exploring Risk Governance in a Global Transport System Page 1 Exploring Risk
Governance in a Global Transport System by Berit Berg Tjørhom Thesis submitted in …

Identificação e análise de fontes de resiliência e fragilidade em empresas de táxi aéreo: estudo de múltiplos casos

GC Carim Júnior - 2010 - lume.ufrgs.br
A Engenharia de Resiliência (ER) é um novo paradigma para gestão da segurança o qual,
apesar de possuir uma fraca estrutura teórica, vem sendo aplicado em diversos setores …