Femmes et handicap

D Masson - Recherches féministes, 2013 - erudit.org
Les femmes handicapées, leurs réalités et leurs combats sont encore largement absents du
courant de pensée majoritaire (mainstream) en études féministes qui, malgré un virage …

Sexuality and occupational therapy in Ireland–a case of ambivalence?

A Hyland, M Mc Grath - Disability and rehabilitation, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose: To examine occupational therapists' attitudes and beliefs towards addressing
clients' sexuality and sexual needs during everyday practice. Method: A cross-sectional …

[图书][B] Between desire and pleasure

F Beckman - 2013 - books.google.com
2 Between Desire and Pleasure Page 3 Plateaus – New Directions in Deleuze Studies ‘It’s not …

The power of discretion and the discretion of power: personal assistants and sexual facilitation in disability services

J Bahner - Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Aim The purpose of this article is to explore how personal assistants, working in state-funded
services for mobility-disabled people in Sweden, perceive and experience their work, with …

Asking about what is better: Intersex, disability, and inaugurated eschatology

S Cornwall - Journal of religion, disability & health, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Intersex conditions, in which individuals' bodies cannot be categorized as clearly male or
female, might be figured as a non-pathological physical variation akin to an impairment …

[PDF][PDF] Real Bodies. Donne, disabilità e diritti tra rivendicazioni e riconoscimento

MG Bernardini - Italian Journal of Disability Studies, 2013 - edizionianicia.it
Alla Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità va il merito, tra gli altri, di avere
contribuito in modo decisivo a portare sul piano del diritto internazionale la soggettività delle …

[PDF][PDF] An exploration of the experiences of blind male students and how they negotiate their masculinity.

TI Sithole - 2013 - academia.edu
Masculinity is considered to be a fundamental aspect of a male identity while living with a
disability has a negative impact on the construction of this identity. The notion of masculinity …