Maternal obesity and the developmental programming of hypertension: a role for leptin

PD Taylor, AM Samuelsson, L Poston - Acta physiologica, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Mother–child cohort studies have established that both pre‐pregnancy body mass index
(BMI) and gestational weight gain are independently associated with cardio‐metabolic risk …

Interventions to reduce and prevent obesity in pre-conceptual and pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis

M Agha, RA Agha, J Sandell - PloS one, 2014 -
Background The increasing prevalence of obesity in pregnant women is associated with
adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes, and increased costs to healthcare, the economy …

Antenatal lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese: LIMIT randomised trial

JM Dodd, D Turnbull, AJ McPhee, AR Deussen… - Bmj, 2014 -
Objective To determine the effect of antenatal dietary and lifestyle interventions on health
outcomes in overweight and obese pregnant women. Design Multicentre randomised trial …

The effects of antenatal dietary and lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese on maternal diet and physical activity: the LIMIT randomised trial

JM Dodd, C Cramp, Z Sui, LN Yelland, AR Deussen… - BMC medicine, 2014 - Springer
Background Overweight and obesity is a significant health concern during pregnancy. Our
aim was to investigate the effect of providing antenatal dietary and lifestyle advice to women …

The effects of antenatal dietary and lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese on neonatal health outcomes: the LIMIT randomised trial

JM Dodd, AJ McPhee, D Turnbull, LN Yelland… - BMC medicine, 2014 - Springer
Background Overweight and obesity during pregnancy represents a considerable health
burden. While research has focused on interventions to limit gestational weight gain, there is …

A complex intervention to improve pregnancy outcome in obese women; the UPBEAT randomised controlled trial

AL Briley, S Barr, S Badger, R Bell, H Croker… - BMC pregnancy and …, 2014 - Springer
Background Despite the widespread recognition that obesity in pregnant women is
associated with adverse outcomes for mother and child, there is no intervention proven to …

Limiting postpartum weight retention through early antenatal intervention: the HeLP-her randomised controlled trial

CL Harrison, CB Lombard, HJ Teede - International Journal of Behavioral …, 2014 - Springer
Background Pregnancy is a recognised high risk period for excessive weight gain,
contributing to postpartum weight retention and obesity development long-term. We aimed to …

Metabolic effects of lifestyle intervention in obese pregnant women. Results from the randomized controlled trial 'Lifestyle in Pregnancy'(LiP)

CA Vinter, JS Jørgensen, P Ovesen… - Diabetic …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aims The Lifestyle in Pregnancy intervention in obese pregnant women resulted in
significantly lower gestational weight gain compared with the control group, but without …

[HTML][HTML] Obesidad materna pregestacional como factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de macrosomía fetal

MR Segovia Vázquez - Revista del Nacional (Itauguá), 2014 -
Introducción: El riesgo de un macrosomía fetal (con peso= 4.000 g) es 3, 4 veces más
elevado en los casos de obesidad pregestacional materna. Objetivo: determinar la …

Women's reported health behaviours before and during pregnancy: A retrospective study

J Smedley, JM Jancey, S Dhaliwal… - Health Education …, 2014 -
Objective: This study aimed to determine women's reported health behaviours (physical
activity, diet, weight management) before and during pregnancy, and to identify sources of …