Evaluation of TanDEM-X elevation data for geomorphological mapping and interpretation in high mountain environments—A case study from SE Tibet, China

I Pipaud, D Loibl, F Lehmkuhl - Geomorphology, 2015 - Elsevier
Digital elevation models (DEMs) are a prerequisite for many different applications in the field
of geomorphology. In this context, the two near-global medium resolution DEMs originating …

[HTML][HTML] A progressive black top hat transformation algorithm for estimating valley volumes on Mars

W Luo, T Pingel, J Heo, A Howard, J Jung - Computers & Geosciences, 2015 - Elsevier
The depth of valley incision and valley volume are important parameters in understanding
the geologic history of early Mars, because they are related to the amount sediments eroded …

基于SPOT 影像的安宁河阶地数字地形分析

宫会玲, 冉勇康 - 华北地震科学, 2015 - nceqsci.com
介绍了SPOT 立体像对提取DEM 的基本原理和数据处理流程, 利用安宁河区域两景SPOT
影像提取了DEM, 并利用所得DEM 对安宁河进行阶地分析; 通过对安宁河阶地数字地形分析 …


GAA MARTORELL - academia.edu
La tesis que se desarrolla a continuación pretende ser un aporte al conocimiento en cuanto
a la compleja articulación entre la tectónica, el clima y los procesos de transferencia de …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic detection of valley forms

R Nagy - 2015 - duo.uio.no
Landform detection and analysis has been an important topic since the advent of digital
elevation models. In Scandinavia valleys were mostly formed by erosion of water (fluvial) or …

[PDF][PDF] Tecniche innovative per l'inventariazione e il monitoraggio, l'implementazione dell'approccio sistemico nella gestione forestale

M Mura - 2015 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
Il passaggio dal XX al XXI secolo del pianeta Terra è caratterizzato dal dilagare
apparentemente inarrestabile della “crisi ambientale”. Il progresso della situazione di …

[引用][C] 数字高程模型在构造地貌形态分析中的应用现状及展望

常直杨, 孙伟红, 王建, 白世彪, 张志刚 - 南京师大学报: 自然科学版, 2015

[引用][C] 基于DEM 的垂直位错分析-以安宁河断裂为例

宫会玲, 冉勇康 - 华南地震, 2015