Incremental majorization-minimization optimization with application to large-scale machine learning

J Mairal - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2015 - SIAM
Majorization-minimization algorithms consist of successively minimizing a sequence of
upper bounds of the objective function. These upper bounds are tight at the current estimate …

Iterative shrinkage algorithm for patch-smoothness regularized medical image recovery

YQ Mohsin, G Ongie, M Jacob - IEEE transactions on medical …, 2015 -
We introduce a fast iterative shrinkage algorithm for patch-smoothness regularization of
inverse problems in medical imaging. This approach is enabled by the reformulation of …

Majorization-minimization for manifold embedding

Z Yang, J Peltonen, S Kaski - Artificial Intelligence and …, 2015 -
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by manifold embedding has become a popular and
powerful approach both for visualization and as preprocessing for predictive tasks, but more …

A new MM algorithm for constrained estimation in the proportional hazards model

J Ding, GL Tian, KC Yuen - Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2015 - Elsevier
The constrained estimation in Cox's model for the right-censored survival data is studied and
the asymptotic properties of the constrained estimators are derived by using the Lagrangian …

Generalized endpoint-inflated binomial model

GL Tian, H Ma, Y Zhou, D Deng - Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2015 - Elsevier
To model binomial data with large frequencies of both zeros and right-endpoints, Deng and
Zhang (in press) recently extended the zero-inflated binomial distribution to an endpoint …

[HTML][HTML] Logistic 回归模型中参数极大似然估计的二次下界算法及其应用

王佳, 丁洁丽 - 数学杂志, 2015 -
本文研究了Newton-Raphson 等算法无法进行时探寻更加稳定的数值解法的问题. 利用Böhning
& Linday (1988) 提出的二次下界算法(Quadratic lower-bound), 文中在Logistic …

Alternating minimization, proximal minimization and optimization transfer are equivalent

CL Byrne, JS Lee - arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03034, 2015 -
We show that proximal minimization algorithms (PMA), majorization minimization (MM), and
alternating minimization (AM) are equivalent. Each type of algorithm leads to a decreasing …

Multivariate sharp quadratic bounds via -strong convexity and the Fenchel connection

RP Browne, PD McNicholas - 2015 -
Sharp majorization is extended to the multivariate case. To achieve this, the notions of σ-
strong convexity, monotonicity, and one-sided Lipschitz continuity are extended to Σ-strong …

Fast DNN training based on auxiliary function technique

DT Tran, N Ono, E Vincent - 2015 IEEE International …, 2015 -
Deep neural networks (DNN) are typically optimized with stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
using a fixed learning rate or an adaptive learning rate approach (ADAGRAD). In this paper …

Methods for Modelling Response Styles

P Schoonees - 2015 -
Ratings scales are ubiquitous in empirical research, especially in the social sciences, where
they are used for measuring abstract concepts such as opinion or attitude. Survey questions …