Picture or text first? Explaining sequence effects when learning with pictures and text

A Eitel, K Scheiter - Educational psychology review, 2015 - Springer
The present article reviews 42 studies investigating the role of sequencing of text and
pictures for learning outcomes. Whereas several of the reviewed studies revealed better …

Crowdfunding success factors: The characteristics of successfully funded projects on crowdfunding platforms

JA Koch, M Siering - 2015 - papers.ssrn.com
Crowdfunding platforms offer promising opportunities for project founders to publish their
project ideas and to collect money in order to be able to realize them. Consequently, the …

Processing multimedia material: Does integration of text and pictures result in a single or two interconnected mental representations?

A Schüler, J Arndt, K Scheiter - Learning and Instruction, 2015 - Elsevier
We investigated whether individuals construct either two interconnected mental
representations or a single mental representation that merges information from two …

[PDF][PDF] Эффективность усвоения учебной информации студентами в условиях электронного обучения

ДС Гнедых - СПб: СПбГУ, 2015 - disser.spbu.ru
Актуальность исследования. Технический прогресс затрагивает все сферы
жизнедеятельности человека, в том числе и современное образование. В связи с …

Surface and deep structures in graphics comprehension

W Schnotz, C Baadte - Memory & Cognition, 2015 - Springer
Comprehension of graphics can be considered as a process of schema-mediated structure
mapping from external graphics on internal mental models. Two experiments were …

Coordinating gesture, word, and diagram: Explanations for experts and novices

S Kang, B Tversky, JB Black - Spatial Cognition & Computation, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Successful explanations are a symphony of gesture, language, and props. Here, we show
how they are orchestrated in an experiment in which students explained complex systems to …

Gesture as model enactment: the role of gesture in mental model construction and inference making when learning from text

MJ Nathan, CVJ Martinez - Learning: Research and Practice, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The question of the relationship between gesture production and mental models was
explored in three experiments focusing on inference making when learning from reading a …

The reading room: Exploring the use of literature as a strategy for integrating threshold concepts into nursing curricula

M McAllister, K Lasater, TE Stone… - Nurse education in …, 2015 - Elsevier
In addition to acquiring a solid foundation of clinical knowledge and skills, nursing students
making the transition from lay person to health professional must adopt new conceptual …

Readability and visuals in medical research information forms for children and adolescents

P Grootens-Wiegers, MC De Vries… - Science …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Children are often-overlooked receivers of medical information, and little research
addresses their information needs. However, young children are capable of understanding …

Metaphorical graphics aid learning and memory

RW Danielson, NH Schwartz, M Lippmann - Learning and Instruction, 2015 - Elsevier
The present investigation was designed to determine the effects of metaphorical graphics on
learning from an expository text. The graphics were designed to function as metaphorical …