Commentary: Resilience defined: An alternative perspective

AR Rosenberg, JP Yi-Frazier - Journal of pediatric psychology, 2016 -
We commend Drs. Hilliard, McQuaid, Nabors, and Hood on their thoughtful introduction to
the Journal of Pediatric Psychology special issue on resilience (Hilliard, McQuaid, Nabors, & …

Mechanistic pathways from early gestation through infancy and neurodevelopment

S Park, DC Bellinger, M Adamo, B Bennett… - …, 2016 -
OBJECTIVE: To identify pathways through which pre-and postnatal factors directly or
indirectly affect infant neurodevelopment at 12 months of age among Filipino infants …

Is self-regulation “All in the family”? Testing environmental effects using within-family quasi-experiments

K Deater-Deckard - International journal of behavioral …, 2016 -
Most of the individual difference variance in the population is found within families, yet
studying the processes causing this variation is difficult due to confounds between genetic …

Tengsl 5 mínútna Apgars og vaxtarskerðingar á meðgöngu við námsárangur í íslensku og stærðfræði í 4. og 7. bekk grunnskóla

GI Þorgeirsdóttir -
Apgarstigun er samræmt stigunarkerfi sem metur ástand nýbura eftir fæðingu. Kerfið tekur
tillit til hjartsláttar, öndunar, vöðvaspennu, svörunar við áreiti og húðlitar og fær nýburinn stig …

Neuroprotective Effects of Sulforaphane on Oxygen/Glucose Deprived Neurons and Astrocytes

JJ Yoon - 2016 -
Cerebral Palsy (CP) constitutes the primary outcome of premature nerve injury. Impairment
of oxygen and glucose supply during pregnancy to the fetus can induce neuron damage and …