Changes in behaviour drive inter-annual variability in the at-sea distribution of northern gannets

V Warwick-Evans, PW Atkinson‎, JPY Arnould… - Marine biology, 2016 - Springer
The at-sea distribution of seabirds primarily depends on the distance from their breeding
colony, and the abundance, distribution and predictability of their prey, which are subject to …

Sex-specific macronutrient foraging strategies in a highly successful marine predator: the Australasian gannet

GE Machovsky-Capuska, AM Senior, EC Benn, AH Tait… - Marine Biology, 2016 - Springer
The foraging challenge for predators is to find and capture food with adequate levels of
energy and nutrients. Marine predators require particularly sophisticated foraging strategies …

Spatial differences in growth of lesser sandeel in the North Sea

A Rindorf, PJ Wright, H Jensen, M Maar - Journal of Experimental Marine …, 2016 - Elsevier
Lesser sandeel, Ammodytes marinus, is a key prey to a variety of North Sea predators,
including species such as single load seabirds which are highly sensitive to prey size and …

Recent changes in the diet and survival of Atlantic puffin chicks in the face of climate change and commercial fishing in midcoast Maine, USA

SW Kress, P Shannon, C O'Neal - Facets, 2016 -
We examined the diet of Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) chicks at three midcoast Maine,
USA, colonies during the years 2005–2014 and found that the puffins at each island have a …

Common Guillemot Uria aalge parents adjust provisioning rates to compensate for low food quality

M Kadin, O Olsson, J Hentati‐Sundberg, EW Ehrning… - Ibis, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The quantity and quality of food available within the foraging area set important constraints
for chick‐rearing birds, but responses to low quality are not well understood. This study …

Seasonal changes in diet and lipid content of northern sand lance Ammodytes dubius on Fyllas Bank, West Greenland

NST Danielsen, RB Hedeholm… - Marine Ecology Progress …, 2016 -
Sandeel (Ammodytes spp.) are forage fishes and form a crucial link in the flow of energy
from phytoplankton to marine top predators in the North Atlantic. The nutritional value of the …

Impacts of electrofishing for razor clams (Ensis spp.) on benthic fauna

F Murray, P Copland, P Boulcott, M Robertson… - Fisheries …, 2016 - Elsevier
Dredge fisheries for benthic bivalves are among the most destructive in Europe. Other
options such as electrofishing may be more sustainable, although this fishing method is …

Stomach flushing does not affect apparent adult survival, chick hatching, or fledging success in yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes)

B Goldsworthy, MJ Young, PJ Seddon… - Biological …, 2016 - Elsevier
Stomach flushing has been used in diet studies of 17 of 18 species of penguins, and is
commonly used to obtain diet samples from fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and other …

Influence of diet and foraging strategy on reproductive success in two morphologically similar sympatric seabirds

GS Robertson, M Bolton, P Monaghan - Bird Study, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Capsule: Morphologically similar sympatrically breeding species differ in diet and foraging
strategies, which could explain interspecific variation in breeding success and reproductive …

The ecosystem approach to fisheries: Reconciling conservation and exploitation

P Cury, A Bertrand, S Bertrand, M Coll… - Tools for …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Marine fisheries have a direct impact on the resources they exploit but also indirectly affect
other species, habitats and the way ecosystems work. Ecosystem approach to fisheries …