Correlated effects of ocean acidification and warming on behavioral and metabolic traits of a large pelagic fish

TD Laubenstein, JL Rummer, S Nicol, DM Parsons… - Diversity, 2018 -
Ocean acidification and warming are co-occurring stressors, yet their effects on early life
stages of large pelagic fishes are not well known. Here, we determined the effects of …

Population, sex and body size: determinants of behavioural variations and behavioural correlations among wild zebrafish Danio rerio

T Roy, A Bhat - Royal Society open science, 2018 -
This study (1) investigated variation among populations and the effects of sex and body size
on boldness, activity and shoal-association tendency among wild zebrafish, and (2) tested …

Density-dependent changes in neophobia and stress-coping styles in the world's oldest farmed fish

T Champneys, G Castaldo… - Royal Society …, 2018 -
Farmed fish are typically reared at densities much higher than those observed in the wild,
but to what extent crowding results in abnormal behaviours that can impact welfare and …

Experience during development triggers between‐individual variation in behavioural plasticity

TJ Urszán, LZ Garamszegi, G Nagy… - Journal of Animal …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Behavioural consistency within and across behaviours (animal personality and behavioural
syndrome, respectively) has been vigorously studied in the last decade, leading to the …

Effects of acclimatisation on behavioural repeatability in two behaviour assays of the guppy Poecilia reticulata

SJ O'Neill, JE Williamson, L Tosetto… - Behavioral Ecology and …, 2018 - Springer
Establishing behavioural repeatability is important in animal personality research; however,
a range of factors can influence repeatability. Experimental design, particularly acclimation …

Personality differentially affects individual mate choice decisions in female and male Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)

B Chen, K Liu, L Zhou, G Gomes-Silva… - PloS one, 2018 -
Consistent individual differences in behavioral tendencies (animal personality) can affect
individual mate choice decisions. We asked whether personality traits affect male and …

Repeatability in boldness and aggression among wild zebrafish (Danio rerio) from two differing predation and flow regimes.

T Roy, A Bhat - Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2018 -
Although flexibility in behavior is adaptive, this flexibility is limited, and the extent of variation
and consistency of a trait could depend on the environment. In this study, we investigated …

Sun-basking fish benefit from body temperatures that are higher than ambient water

O Nordahl, P Tibblin… - … of the Royal …, 2018 -
In terrestrial environments, cold-blooded animals can attain higher body temperatures by
sun basking, and thereby potentially benefit from broader niches, improved performance …

Conspecific boldness and predator species determine predation-risk consequences of prey personality

CA Blake, ML Andersson, K Hulthén… - Behavioral Ecology and …, 2018 - Springer
Individual variation in the behavior of prey can influence predation risk in complex ways. We
ran individual roach (Rutilus rutilus), a common freshwater fish, through a standard refuge …

Personality and the retention of neophobic predator avoidance in wild caught Trinidadian guppies

GE Brown, PJC Chuard, EEM Demers, IW Ramnarine… - Behaviour, 2018 -
Neophobic predator avoidance allows prey to reduce the risk of predation but is costly in
terms of reduced foraging or courtship opportunities if the novel cues do not represent an …