Advancing an ethic of embodied relational sexuality to guide decision-making in dementia care

A Grigorovich, P Kontos - The Gerontologist, 2018 -
Sexuality and intimacy are universal needs that transcend age, cognitive decline, and
disability; sexuality is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. However, supporting …

Disability and sexuality: Desires and pleasures

C Loeser, B Pini, V Crowley - Sexualities, 2018 -
There is an ongoing missing discourse of pleasure in studies of sexuality and disability, and
considerations of sexual pleasures and sexual desire in the lives of people with disabilities …

Prejudicial stereotypes and testimonial injustice: Autism, sexuality and sex education

A MacKenzie - International Journal of Educational Research, 2018 - Elsevier
Autists frequently confront prejudicial stereotypes that they are asexual, hyper-or hypo
sexual, child-like and dependent, and/or uninterested in sex. Further, their sexuality is …

Promoting sexual well-being in social work education and practice

S Lee, LA Fenge, B Collins - Social Work Education, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores the importance of including sexual well-being within social work
practice and education. Social workers often work with individuals for whom opportunities for …

Disability, discourse and desire: Analyzing online talk by people with disabilities

M Hall - Sexualities, 2018 -
Fran Vicary, who has had cerebral palsy from birth, recently claimed in the UK newspaper,
The Guardian, that most people with a disability seek to express themselves sexually …

[HTML][HTML] Handicap, genre et sexualité. Actualité des recherches francophones

P Brasseur, L Nayak - Genre, sexualité & société, 2018 -
1 La thématique de la sexualité des personnes en situation de handicap a suscité un certain
intérêt médiatique ces dernières années. Les récents questionnements autour de …

'I love my body': Depictions of sex and romance in disability music culture

A Skinner - Sexualities, 2018 -
The international disability music scene is a thriving musical subculture consisting of
performers self-identifying as disabled who use their performances to explore experiences …

Through a different lens: Examining commonality and divergence in constructions and depictions of the sexuality of persons with physical disabilities in South Africa

X Hunt - 2018 -
Historically, people with disabilities have been held in contempt or pitied by the non-
disabled members of the communities in which they live, and by society as a whole. One …

Abordaje de la sexualidad desde Terapia Ocupacional en personas con daño cerebral adquirido en etapa sub-aguda

N Rico Alonso - 2018 -
Objetivo: Analizar si las personas con daño cerebral adquirido, que se encuentran en
situación sub-aguda, así como sus familiares y parejas, consideran relevante o no el …

Let's talk about sex: a narrative approach to disabled women's sexual lives

TE MacKeigan - 2018 -
This thesis examines the discourses at play that shape disabled women's sexual
subjectivity. I wanted to see how disabled women's understanding of themselves as sexual …