[HTML][HTML] The high costs of low-grade inflammation: persistent fatigue as a consequence of reduced cellular-energy availability and non-adaptive energy expenditure

TE Lacourt, EG Vichaya, GS Chiu, R Dantzer… - Frontiers in behavioral …, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Chronic or persistent fatigue is a common, debilitating symptom of several diseases.
Persistent fatigue has been associated with low-grade inflammation in several models of …

The role of inflammation in core features of depression: Insights from paradigms using exogenously-induced inflammation

LN Dooley, KR Kuhlman, TF Robles… - Neuroscience & …, 2018 - Elsevier
A wealth of evidence has implicated inflammation in the development of depression. Yet, the
heterogeneous nature of depression has impeded efforts to understand, prevent, and treat …

Anhedonia in depression: biological mechanisms and computational models

JA Cooper, AR Arulpragasam, MT Treadway - Current opinion in behavioral …, 2018 - Elsevier
Highlights•Discrete processes underlying anhedonia can be computationally
operationalized.•Approaches include models of reinforcement learning and effort-based …

Identification of acutely sick people and facial cues of sickness

J Axelsson, T Sundelin, MJ Olsson… - … of the Royal …, 2018 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Detection and avoidance of sick individuals have been proposed as essential components
in a behavioural defence against disease, limiting the risk of contamination. However …

The psychopharmacology of effort-related decision making: dopamine, adenosine, and insights into the neurochemistry of motivation

JD Salamone, M Correa, S Ferrigno, JH Yang… - Pharmacological …, 2018 - ASPET
Effort-based decision making is studied using tasks that offer choices between high-effort
options leading to more highly valued reinforcers versus low-effort/low-reward options …

Sex differences in how inflammation affects behavior: What we can learn from experimental inflammatory models in humans

J Lasselin, M Lekander, J Axelsson… - Frontiers in …, 2018 - Elsevier
Human models demonstrate that experimental activation of the innate immune system has
profound effects on brain activation and behavior, inducing fatigue, worsened mood and …

Effects of inflammation on social processes and implications for health

M Moieni, NI Eisenberger - Annals of the New York Academy of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Although at first glance inflammation and social behavior may appear unrelated, research
points to an important role for inflammation in shaping social processes. This review …

Effort but not reward sensitivity is altered by acute sickness induced by experimental endotoxemia in humans

A Draper, RM Koch, JWM van der Meer… - …, 2018 - nature.com
Sickness behavior in humans is characterized by low mood and fatigue, which have been
suggested to reflect changes in motivation involving reorganization of priorities. However, it …

Anti-cytokine agents for anhedonia: targeting inflammation and the immune system to treat dimensional disturbances in depression

Y Lee, M Subramaniapillai, E Brietzke… - Therapeutic …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The etiology of mood disorders is mechanistically heterogeneous, underscoring the need for
a dimensional approach to identify and develop targeted treatments in psychiatry …

Sickness behavior is not all about the immune response: possible roles of expectations and prediction errors in the worry of being sick

J Lasselin, P Petrovic, MJ Olsson, SP Göranson… - Brain, behavior, and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Background People react very differently when sick, and there are only poor correlations
between the intensity of the immune response and sickness behavior. Yet, alternative …