Urban nature in a time of crisis: recreational use of green space increases during the COVID-19 outbreak in Oslo, Norway

ZS Venter, DN Barton, V Gundersen… - Environmental …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it significant changes to
human mobility patterns and working environments. We aimed to explore how social …

Spatiotemporal tourism pattern in a large reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) range as an important factor in disturbance research and management

V Gundersen, KM Myrvold, GR Rauset… - Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Tourism and recreation in protected areas may compromise conservation values if their
forms and volumes exceed the area's tolerance. Disturbance-sensitive species such as wild …

Hiking in Rondane wild reindeer range: human trail use and the effect of removing trail marks

M Fjelle - 2020 - nmbu.brage.unit.no
Habitat loss caused by human disturbance is one of the largest threats to the wild reindeer
(Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Norway. Increasing infrastructure development and human …

Slitasje og egnethet for stier brukt til sykling. En feltstudie og en GIS-modell

M Evju, R Hedger, M Nowell, OI Vistad, D Hagen… - 2020 - brage.nina.no
Evju, M., Hedger, R., Nowell, M., Vistad, OI, Hagen, D., Jokerud, M., Olsen, SL, Selvaag, SK
& Wold, LC 2020. Slitasje og egnethet for stier brukt til sykling. En feltstudie og en GIS …

Moskusstien som forvaltningstiltak på Dovrefjell: kan en ny sti i randsonen redusere ferdselen i sårbare villreinområder, samtidig som den gir besøkende gode …

AMEN Todnem - 2020 - nmbu.brage.unit.no
I Hjerkinnområdet øst i Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella nasjonalpark lever både villrein (Rangifer
tarandus tarandus) og moskus (Ovibos moschatus). Villreinens viktige trekkområder mellom …

A cordon count program for pedestrians and bicycles commuting to/from a winter city university campus

A Scaletta - 2020 - mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca
Pedestrian and bicycle traffic monitoring programs generate data that can be used to
improve safety, promote healthy lifestyles, and improve design of non-motorized facilities …

How much recreational exposure to avalanche terrain is there?

R Langford, P Haegeli, R Rupf - 2020 - digitalcollection.zhaw.ch
Winter backcountry mountain sport operators, outdoor mountain recreation industry experts,
and researchers in Europe and North America commonly report that participation in winter …