Factors associated with compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress among Chinese nurses in tertiary hospitals: A cross-sectional study

J Wang, CTC Okoli, H He, F Feng, J Li, L Zhuang… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Background Compassion fatigue is a work-related professional hazard acquired when
providing healthcare for patients. This hazard can lead to physical and mental health …

[HTML][HTML] Associação da empatia e do estresse ocupacional com o burnout em profissionais da atenção primária à saúde

JP Pinheiro, JB Sbicigo, E Remor - Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2020 - SciELO Public Health
Há evidências de que a Síndrome de Burnout afeta profissionais da atenção primária à
saúde (APS). Objetivou-se investigar a associação da empatia e do estresse ocupacional …

The well-being of Swiss general internal medicine residents.

BI Zumbrunn, O Stalder, A Limacher… - Swiss medical …, 2020 - boris.unibe.ch
BACKGROUND Physician well-being has an impact on productivity and quality of care.
Residency training is a particularly stressful period. OBJECTIVE To assess the well-being of …

Burnout and psychological distress among nurses working in primary health care clinics in West Bank-Palestine

E Alshawish, E Nairat - International Journal of Mental Health, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Nurses and midwives are necessary at all aspects of primary health care; they need a lot of
devotion with respect to patient administration and bringing care. The time and devotion …

A cross-sectional investigation of prevalence of occupational burnout in Saudi aviation industry

JO Ekore, A Allui, S Al Shareef… - International Journal of …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Achievement of excellence in the aviation industry largely depends on a highly effective
workforce. In the management of organizational behavior, the well-being of employees is …

Burnout e trauma psicológico em enfermeiros em contexto hospitalar

PS Marques - 2020 - comum.rcaap.pt
A prestação de cuidados de saúde que garantam a qualidade do exercício profissional e a
segurança dos clientes constitui o enfoque e essência da profissão de Enfermagem. Pela …

Que fatores afetam a satisfação e sobrecarga de trabalho em unidades da atenção primária à saúde?

BCS de Assis, GS de Sousa… - Revista Eletrônica …, 2020 - acervomais.com.br
Objetivo: Analisar a produção científica acerca dos fatores associados à satisfação e
sobrecarga de trabalho de profissionais que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família …

Odnos profesionalnog sagorijevanja, nepovoljnih iskustava u djetinjstvu i nekih sociodemografskih obilježja socijalnih pedagoga

M Vanjurek - 2020 - repozitorij.erf.unizg.hr
Temeljni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je utvrditi razinu profesionalnog sagorijevanja pomoću
specifičnog aspekta sagorijevanja–iscrpljenosti, razlike u iscrpljenosti s obzirom na dob …

Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in primary health care: An integrative review

MM Vitali, DEP Pires, ECN Forte, JM Farias… - Texto & Contexto …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: identify the factors that contribute to job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction among
Primary Health Care workers. Method: this integrative review was conducted in …

The evaluation of burnout and communication skills in primary care staff

N Emre, T Edirne, A Özşahin, AR Türk - International Journal of …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Objective: Burnout syndrome is an important problem among health professionals. The aim
of the study is to evaluate the relationship between the burnout status and communication …