Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission

G Livingston, J Huntley, A Sommerlad, D Ames… - The lancet, 2020 -
Executive summary The number of older people, including those living with dementia, is
rising, as younger age mortality declines. However, the age-specific incidence of dementia …

[HTML][HTML] Evidence-based prevention of Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of 243 observational prospective studies and 153 randomised …

JT Yu, W Xu, CC Tan, S Andrieu, J Suckling… - Journal of Neurology …, 2020 -
Background Evidence on preventing Alzheimer's disease (AD) is challenging to interpret
due to varying study designs with heterogeneous endpoints and credibility. We completed a …

Multidomain interventions to prevent cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia: From FINGER to World-Wide FINGERS

A Rosenberg, F Mangialasche, T Ngandu… - The journal of …, 2020 - Springer
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia are a global public health priority, and prevention
has been highlighted as a pivotal component in managing the dementia epidemic …

[HTML][HTML] Diet, inflammation and the gut microbiome: mechanisms for obesity-associated cognitive impairment

SJ Leigh, MJ Morris - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis …, 2020 - Elsevier
Poor diet and obesity are associated with cognitive impairment throughout adulthood, and
increased dementia risk in aging. Here we review the current literature interrogating the …

Adult obesity complications: challenges and clinical impact

S Ansari, H Haboubi… - Therapeutic advances in …, 2020 -
The complications associated with adult obesity are overwhelming national healthcare
systems. No country has yet implemented a successful population-level strategy to reverse …

Cardiovascular health metrics from mid-to late-life and risk of dementia: A population-based cohort study in Finland

Y Liang, T Ngandu, T Laatikainen, H Soininen… - PLoS …, 2020 -
Background Very few studies have explored the patterns of cardiovascular health (CVH)
metrics in midlife and late life in relation to risk of dementia. We examined the associations …

Association of late life depression,(non-) modifiable risk and protective factors with dementia and Alzheimer's disease: literature review on current evidences …

CY Kuo, I Stachiv, T Nikolai - International Journal of Environmental …, 2020 -
The number of people living with dementia and Alzheimer's disease is growing rapidly,
making dementia one of the biggest challenges for this century. Many studies have indicated …

Association of anthropometry and weight change with risk of dementia and its major subtypes: a meta‐analysis consisting 2.8 million adults with 57 294 cases of …

CMY Lee, M Woodward, GD Batty, AS Beiser… - Obesity …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Uncertainty exists regarding the relation of body size and weight change with dementia risk.
As populations continue to age and the global obesity epidemic shows no sign of waning …

Body mass index, diet, physical inactivity, and the incidence of dementia in 1 million UK women

S Floud, RF Simpson, A Balkwill, A Brown, A Goodill… - Neurology, 2020 - AAN Enterprises
Objective To help determine whether midlife obesity is a cause of dementia and whether low
body mass index (BMI), low caloric intake, and physical inactivity are causes or merely …

Associations between vascular risk across adulthood and brain pathology in late life: evidence from a British birth cohort

CA Lane, J Barnes, JM Nicholas, CH Sudre… - JAMA …, 2020 -
Importance Midlife vascular risk burden is associated with late-life dementia. Less is known
about if and how risk exposure in early adulthood influences late-life brain health. Objective …