[HTML][HTML] Developing communication through objects: Ostensive gestures as the first gestures in children's development

I Guevara, C Rodríguez - Developmental Review, 2023 - Elsevier
The first gestures that children produce intentionally to communicate with others, make
sense of the world around them, and control their behavior are ostensive gestures of …

A social robot connected with chatGPT to improve cognitive functioning in ASD subjects

F Bertacchini, F Demarco, C Scuro, P Pantano… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs) represent a significant healthcare and economic
burden for families and society. Technology, including AI and digital technologies, offers …

Word learning in ASD: the sensorimotor, the perceptual and the symbolic

M Vulchanova, V Vulchanov, M Allen - Journal of Cultural Cognitive …, 2023 - Springer
Word learning requires successful pairing of form and meaning. A common hypothesis
about the process of word learning is that initially, infants work on identifying the …

Dialogic Reading Effect on Communicative Initiations and Responses for Children with Autism: a Systematic Review

H Alharbi, E Terlektsi, L Kossyvaki - Review Journal of Autism and …, 2023 - Springer
Dialogic reading (DR) is an evidence-based interactive shared reading intervention. This
systematic review investigated the effect of DR interventions on the communicative …

Caregiver Perceptions of Social Communication and Interaction: Development and Validation of the SCIPS

MB McClain, ME Golson, CR Haverkamp… - Journal of Autism and …, 2023 - Springer
Social communication and interaction (SC/I) skill quality may be influenced by cultural
values, norms, and expectations. Because difficulties in SC/I is a core criterion for identifying …

2 Infant Imitation: Detecting Risk in the First Year with PediaTrac™

S Levick, M Lobermeier, AD Staples… - Journal of the …, 2023 - cambridge.org
Objective: Imitation has pervasive associations with social and communicative development.
However, few methods have been developed to measure this construct in typically …

Conscious Communication Skills Formation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Initial Period)

N Havrylova, O Konstantyniv… - Revista Romaneasca …, 2023 - lumenpublishing.com
Despite the number of researches made on the problem of developing communication skills
in children with autism spectrum disorders (hereinafter ASD), there are still many issues in …

A Comparison of Maternal and Clinician Perception of Communication in Autistic Toddlers

YS Stern, J Lee, R Levy, A Glickman, J Grauzer… - Journal of Speech …, 2023 - ASHA
Purpose: Parent instruction in communication facilitation strategies for autistic toddlers relies
on assumptions that parents interpret child behaviors in alignment with clinician definitions …

Le développement des interactions sociales d'enfants avec trouble du spectre de l'autisme dans une unité d'enseignement en maternelle

S Tsamitrou, MH Plumet - Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue …, 2023 - Elsevier
Résumé Cette étude longitudinale porte sur le développement de la communication chez
des enfants de 3 à 6 ans avec TSA, scolarisés en unité d'enseignement en maternelle. Elle …

Teaching Reciprocal Imitation Training (RIT) to Puerto Rican Parents of Young Children with Autism

K Martinez-Torres - 2023 - ir.vanderbilt.edu
Providing early intervention and continuous service provision to children with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families in Puerto Rico can be complex due to multiple …