An independence result on cotorsion theories over valuation domains

S Bazzoni, L Salce - Journal of Algebra, 2001 - Elsevier
It is shown that, over suitable valuation domains R with field of quotients Q, the cotorsion
theory GK generated by K= Q/R coincides with the cotorsion theory C∂ cogenerated by the …

The Krull-Schmidt theorem

A Facchini - Handbook of algebra, 2003 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter provides an overview of the basic concepts of the Krull-
Schmidt theorem. The two proofs of the Krull-Schmidt-Azumaya theorem, mention …

[PDF][PDF] Rank-two torsion-free modules over valuation domains

L Salce, P Zanardo - … del Seminario Matematico della Università di …, 1988 -
Let. Z~ be a valuation domain and Q its" field of quotients. We denote by Yo (R) the class of
torsion-free R-modules of finite rank, and by the class of finitely generated torsion. R …

On the classification of indecomposable generated modules over valuation domains

P Zanardo - Communications in Algebra, 1985 - Taylor & Francis
In that paper the notion of u-independence of units of a maximal immediate extension S of R
was used to construct two kinds of indecomposable finitely generated R-modules: uniform …

Quasi-isomorphisms of finitely generated modules over valuation domains

P Zanardo - Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 1988 - Springer
Sia R un anello commutativo. Due R-moduli si dicono quasi-isomorfise ciascuno è isomorfo
ad un sottomodulo dell'altro. Si prova che, a meno di quasi-isomorfismi, un R-modulo si …

[PDF][PDF] Polyserial modules over valuation domains

L Fuchs, L Salce - … del Seminario Matematico della Università di …, 1988 -
In what follows, B will denote a valuation domain, ie a com-mutative domain with 1 in which
the ideals form a chain under inclusion. We assume that 1~ is not equal to its field Q of …

[PDF][PDF] A note on indecomposable modules over valuation domains

MD Lunsford - Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università …, 1995 -
A note on indecomposable modules over valuation domains Page 1 RENDICONTI del

On inert modules over valuation domains

L Salce - Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 2019 - Springer
We start the investigation of inert modules over valuation domains, a class of modules
containing finitely generated and quasi-injective modules. A complete description is …

[HTML][HTML] Minimal modules over valuation domains

B Goldsmith, P Zanardo - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2005 - Elsevier
Let R be a valuation domain. We say that a torsion-free R-module is minimal if it is
isomorphic to all its submodules of finite index. Here, the usual concept of finite index for …

[PDF][PDF] A classical result on maximal valuation domains revisited

P Zanardo - Houston J. Math, 2001 - Citeseer
We prove that a non linearly compact valuation domain R admits a proper immediate
extension S. This is the main point of Kaplansky's classical result that a valuation domain is …