[图书][B] Cohen-macaulay representations

GJ Leuschke, R Wiegand - 2012 - books.google.com
This book is a comprehensive treatment of the representation theory of maximal Cohen-
Macaulay (MCM) modules over local rings. This topic is at the intersection of commutative …

On algebras of finite Cohen–Macaulay type

A Beligiannis - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We study Artin algebras Λ and commutative Noetherian complete local rings R in connection
with the following decomposition property of Gorenstein-projective modules: We show that …

[HTML][HTML] Gorenstein conditions over triangular matrix rings

EE Enochs, M Cortés-Izurdiaga, B Torrecillas - Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2014 - Elsevier
A ring is left Gorenstein regular if the classes of left modules with finite projective dimension
and finite injective dimension coincide and the injective and projective finitistic left …

Monomorphism categories, cotilting theory, and Gorenstein-projective modules

P Zhang - Journal of Algebra, 2011 - Elsevier
The monomorphism category S n (X) is introduced, where X is a full subcategory of the
module category A-mod of an Artin algebra A. The key result is a reciprocity of the …

Gorenstein-projective modules over triangular matrix Artin algebras

BL Xiong, P Zhang - Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2012 - World Scientific
Let be an Artin algebra. Under suitable conditions, we describe all the modules in⊥ Λ, and
obtain criteria for the Gorensteinness of Λ. As applications, we determine explicitly all the …

[HTML][HTML] Separated monic representations I: Gorenstein-projective modules

XH Luo, P Zhang - Journal of Algebra, 2017 - Elsevier
For a finite acyclic quiver Q, an ideal I of a path algebra kQ generated by monomial relations,
and a finite-dimensional k-algebra A, we introduce the separated monic representations of a …

Beyond totally reflexive modules and back: a survey on Gorenstein dimensions

LW Christensen, HB Foxby, H Holm - Commutative Algebra: Noetherian …, 2011 - Springer
Starting from the notion of totally reflexive modules, we survey the theory of Gorenstein
homological dimensions for modules over commutative rings. The account includes the …

Algebras with radical square zero are either self-injective or CM-free

XW Chen - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2012 - ams.org
An artin algebra is called CM-free provided that all its finitely generated Gorenstein
projective modules are projective. We show that a connected artin algebra with radical …

[PDF][PDF] Derived Category Methods in Commutative Algebra II

LW Christensen, HB Foxby, H Holm - 2010 - archytas.birs.ca
1 Background In our report on the first “Derived Category Methods in Commutative Algebra”
workshop (2008) we wrote:“Derived category methods have proved to be very successful in …

A construction of Gorenstein-projective modules

ZW Li, P Zhang - Journal of Algebra, 2010 - Elsevier
We determine all the Gorenstein-projective modules over the T2-extension of a Gorenstein
algebra, and over (AM0B), where A and B are self-injective algebras, and M is an AB …