Efektifitas Edukasi Kesehatan melalui whatsapp terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Penderita TB dalam Pencegahan Penularan TB Paru di UPTD …

M Mitra, Z Abidin, N Rany, E Leonita - Jurnal kesehatan komunitas …, 2023 - jurnal.htp.ac.id
Tuberculosis is the biggest health problem in the world, after HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus) so it must be treated seriously. The implementation of media health promotion is one …

Improving Community Capacity In Non-Communicable Disease (Ncd) Prevention Efforts Through The “Cerdik” Women's Movement In Pekanbaru City: Peningkatan …

E Leonita, N Nurlisis, N Nopriadi - Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan …, 2023 - jurnal.htp.ac.id
Based on data from the Pekanbaru City Health Department shows that only 2.0% of the
estimated number of people at risk of hypertension aged over 15 years received healthcare …

The effectiveness of health education through whatsapp on increasing knowledge and attitudes of TB patients in prevention of pulmonary TB transmission at the UPTD …

S Yenti, M Mitra, Z Abidin, N Rany, E Leonita - 2023 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Tuberculosis is the biggest health problem in the world, after HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus) so it must be treated seriously. The implementation of media health promotion is one …

[引用][C] Studi Kasus Implementasi Edukasi Kesehatan tentang TB Menggunakan WhatsApp terhadap Pengetahuan Klien Ibu Menyusui dengan TB

L Indriyani, MD Anggraeni - Journal of Bionursing, 2023