Neuron tracing from light microscopy images: automation, deep learning and bench testing
Motivation Large-scale neuronal morphologies are essential to neuronal typing, connectivity
characterization and brain modeling. It is widely accepted that automation is critical to the …
characterization and brain modeling. It is widely accepted that automation is critical to the …
Root gap correction with a deep inpainting model
Imaging roots of growing plants in a non-invasive and affordable fashion has been a long-
standing problem in image-assisted plant breeding and phenotyping. One of the most …
standing problem in image-assisted plant breeding and phenotyping. One of the most …
Efficient and Accurate Semi-automatic Neuron Tracing with Extended Reality
Neuron tracing, alternately referred to as neuron reconstruction, is the procedure for
extracting the digital representation of the three-dimensional neuronal morphology from …
extracting the digital representation of the three-dimensional neuronal morphology from …
Mining topological structure in graphs through forest representations
We consider the problem of inferring simplified topological substructures--which we term
backbones--in metric and non-metric graphs. Intuitively, these are subgraphs with'few'nodes …
backbones--in metric and non-metric graphs. Intuitively, these are subgraphs with'few'nodes …
[PDF][PDF] Computational Topology for Data Analysis: Notes from Book by
TK Dey, Y Wang - 2016 -
Topological persistence provides an avenue to study a function f: X→ R on a space X. Reeb
graphs provide another avenue to do the same; although the summarizations produced by …
graphs provide another avenue to do the same; although the summarizations produced by …