Prevalence and correlates of mental health of university students in Hong Kong: what happened one year after the occurrence of COVID-19?

DTL Shek, D Dou, X Zhu - Frontiers in Public Health, 2022 -
Purpose In this study, we studied the prevalence and correlates of mental health problems
(depression, anxiety, and stress) in Hong Kong university students after one year of the …

Need satisfaction and depressive symptoms among university students in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic: moderating effects of positive youth …

DTL Shek, D Dou, X Zhu, T Wong, L Tan - Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 -
As studies on the mental health status of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic
are almost non-existent in Hong Kong, we examined four research questions in this paper …

SLR: Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan COVID-19

L Anggorowati, DNS Marchamah, L Fauzi… - … Journal of Health …, 2023 -
Sejak 2019 awal munculnya infeksi SARS-2 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) yang menjadi
pandemi kelas dunia, berdampak pada sistem pemerintahan global, termasuk Indonesia …

Hubungan Healthy Eating Index dan Pola Aktivitas Fisik dengan Riwayat Gangguan Kesehatan pada Mahasiswa Strata 1 Gizi Selama Pandemi Covid-19

AM Setyanti, ER Isaura… - Jurnal Ilmiah Permas …, 2023 -
Pandemi COVID-19 merupakan penyakit menular sehingga perlu tindakan pencegahan
dengan cara menjaga jarak, melakukan aktivitas fisik, dan memperbaiki kualitas diet …

Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Masyarakat terhadap Protokol Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

W Lipstiani, D Rahmawati - Faletehan Health Journal, 2022 -
Peningkatan jumlah kasus COVID-19 disertai dengan penurunan tingkat kepatuhan
masyarakat terhadap protokol kesehatan sehingga meningkatkan prevalensi kasus COVID …

[PDF][PDF] Terjebak Ketegangan Budaya: Pemuda di Tengah Tatanan Sosial Baru Pandemi: ADAPTASI PEMUDA TERHADAP TATANAN SOSIAL PANDEMI

BJ Sujibto, AR Diah - Jurnal Masyarakat dan Budaya, 2022 -
Artikel ini mendiskusikan proses adaptasi pemuda dalam tatanan sosial baru yang
diproduksi oleh pandemi, seperti protokol Covid-19 hingga konsekuensi-konsekuensi sosio …


NH Aulia, NS Skripsiana, N Muthmainah, F Heriyani… - …, 2023 -
Upaya pencegahan penularan COVID-19 dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan protokol
kesehatan 5 M yaitu memakai masker, menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan, menghindari …

Relationship between Traders Behaviour in Applying Health Protocols to Covid-19 Incidents in the New Normal Era at Batam's Botania Market

VA Yulita, B Fuadi - Miracle Journal of Public Health, 2022 -
The implementation of health protocols is an effort made to ensure that individuals and
communities remain healthy and protected from Covid-19. In the working area of​​ the …

Health Education about the Benefits of Covid-19 Vaccination in the community in Pegadingan Village, the working area of the Kramatwatu Health Center, Serang …

D Suwardiman, A Sustiyono - PKM-P, 2022 -
The global condition of the Covid-19 pandemic brings a valuable message to the
Indonesian people, especially the people of Banten. The rapid transmission in a short time …

Compliance in the Implementation of Health Protocols During the Covid-19 Pandemic

A Arifianto, DN Aini - Indonesian …, 2023 - jurnal.globalhealthsciencegroup …
Compliance and public awareness in implementing health protocols is still low. There are
still many people who are found in crowds, not washing their hands, not wearing masks and …