Oil dependency of the Russian economy: An econometric analysis

A Benedictow, D Fjærtoft, O Løfsnæs - Economic Modelling, 2013 - Elsevier
A macro econometric model of the Russian economy is tailored to analyze the effects of
changes in the oil price and alternative fiscal policies. Model simulations indicate that the …

Low-income countries' linkages to BRICS: are there growth spillovers?

I Samake, Y Yang - Journal of Asian Economics, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper employs a global vector autoregression (GVAR) model to investigate business
cycle transmission from BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) to LICs …

Was ECB's monetary policy optimal?

F Breuss - Atlantic Economic Journal, 2002 - Springer
Overall, the ECB managed monetary policy quite satisfactorily in the first phase of EMU.
Nevertheless, this paper asks whether monetary policy could not have been improved. In the …

[图书][B] Integrierte Szenarien der Raumentwicklung in Deutschland: Ergebnisse eines Ressortforschungsprojektes im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau …

S Siedentop, M Gornig, M Weis - 2011 - econstor.eu
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland sieht sich derzeit mit einer Reihe von Megatrends
konfrontiert, die sich in außerordentlich weit reichenden und komplexen Veränderungen der …

Fiscal targets, automatic stabilisers and their effects on output

R Barrell, I Hurst, Á Pina - Impact of Fiscal Policy Conference, 2002 - papers.ssrn.com
We investigate the risk that the Stability and Growth Pact may act as a constraint on the fiscal
policy of EMU Member States in three respects: a) discretionary counter-cyclical policy …

Downscaling nonclimatic drivers for surface water vulnerabilities in the Elbe river basin

J Blazejczak, M Gornig, V Hartje - Regional environmental change, 2012 - Springer
Aggregated consideration of both climate and socio-economic change in a coarse spatial
resolution is a central feature for scenario development in global change research …

Structural econometric models in forecasting inflation at the National Bank of Poland

B Klos, R Kokoszczynski, T Lyziak… - National Bank of …, 2005 - papers.ssrn.com
The paper presents the procedure and two structural macroeconometric models used at the
National Bank of Poland for producing regular quarterly inflation projections. One of the …

[PDF][PDF] Beschäftigungspotenziale in ostdeutschen Dienstleistungsmärkten: Endbericht

K Brenke, A Eickelpasch, K Geppert, M Gornig - 2007 - econstor.eu
Der Dienstleistungssektor umfasst rund drei Viertel der ostdeutschen Gesamtbeschäftigung.
Auf 1 000 Einwohner kamen im Jahr 2005 rund 320 Dienstleistungsarbeitsplätze. Damit …

[PDF][PDF] Моделирование и прогнозирование российской экономики

А Девятов - М.: РЭШ, 2008 - nes.ru
Целью настоящего проекта является продолжение работы по построению
полномасштабной модели российской экономики. Основное предназначение модели …

A Regional Labour Market Model for Germany-an Analysis of Macroeconomic Shocks and Economic Policy Variables

SG Fauser - 2009 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
The rise in European unemployment during the last decades stems from high
unemployment in large European nations. On a sub-national level, unemployment rates …