A portable noise-absorbing recording chamber for sound recordings of archaeological idiophones

BM Pomberger, J Mühlhans - … des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie …, 2022 - JSTOR
The article initially deals with the difficulties that can arise when sound recordings of
archaeological sound objects are made in museum rooms. In order to reduce these …

Sensory archaeology in Scandinavia and Finland

AJ Nyland - The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Sensory archaeology in Scandinavia and Finland has developed since the 1990s in the
context of phenomenological, empirical, scientific and ontological developments and …

[HTML][HTML] Jingle Bells: How Do Bells Affect the Wellbeing, Safety, and Identity of Guide Dog Teams?

T Warda - society & animals, 2023 - brill.com
Some visually impaired individuals will attach a small bell to their guide dog's collar to locate
them acoustically, yet existing literature on this topic is lacking. This paper analyzes how …

«Сакральный шум и светская тишина»: навершия раннескифского времени в погребальном контексте

OS Frunt - Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология, 2022 - ceeol.com
Одно из направлений исследования наверший скифского времени заключается в
определении закономерностей их нахождения в комплексах. Дискуссия о функции этих …

Звуки скіфських наверш

О Фрунт - 2023 - ekmair.ukma.edu.ua
У статті представлено попередні результати акустичного аналізу звукового елементу
наверш скіфського часу. Визначено інтенсивність, частоту, дальність звучання …

[PDF][PDF] Редакційна колегія: Олег Білинський–кандидат історичних наук, старший викладач кафедри археології НаУКМА, головний редактор Микита Іванов …

Д Клочко, Ю Ходукіна - 2022 - researchgate.net
Eurasian steppe area is one of the richest in the finds, which are a good source for
recognition of the development of wheeled transport. A few hundred graves, containing …

A Falconer's Ritual: A study of the cognitive and spiritual dimensions of pre-Christian Scandinavian falconry

K Bellamy-Dagneau - 2015 - skemman.is
Working from the premise that falconry was introduced in Scandinavia from an eastern origin
sometime in the course of the 6th century AD, this paper suggests that the practice may have …

[PDF][PDF] A Falconer's Ritual

K Bellamy-Dagneau - 2015 - academia.edu
Working from the premise that falconry was introduced in Scandinavia from an eastern origin
sometime in the course of the 6 th century AD, this paper suggests that the practice may …