[HTML][HTML] The gravitational eikonal: from particle, string and brane collisions to black-hole encounters

P Di Vecchia, C Heissenberg, R Russo, G Veneziano - Physics reports, 2024 - Elsevier
Motivated by conceptual problems in quantum theories of gravity, the gravitational eikonal
approach, inspired by its electromagnetic predecessor, has been successfully applied to the …

[HTML][HTML] Selected topics in analytic conformal bootstrap: A guided journey

A Bissi, A Sinha, X Zhou - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
This review aims to offer a pedagogical introduction to the analytic conformal bootstrap
program via a journey through selected topics. We review analytic methods which include …

Holographic thermal correlators from supersymmetric instantons

M Dodelson, A Grassi, C Iossa, DP Lichtig… - SciPost Physics, 2023 - scipost.org
We present an exact formula for the thermal scalar two-point function in four-dimensional
holographic conformal field theories. The problem of finding it reduces to the analysis of the …

The black hole behind the cut

S Giusto, C Iossa, R Russo - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We study the analytic structure of the heavy-heavy-light-light holographic
correlators in the supergravity approximation of the AdS 3× S 3/CFT 2 duality. As an explicit …

Gravitational orbits, double-twist mirage, and many-body scars

M Dodelson, A Zhiboedov - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract We explore the implications of stable gravitational orbits around an AdS black hole
for the boundary conformal field theory. The orbits are long-lived states that eventually decay …

Black hole perturbation theory and multiple polylogarithms

G Aminov, P Arnaudo, G Bonelli, A Grassi… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We study black hole linear perturbation theory in a four-dimensional Schwarzschild
(anti) de Sitter background. When dealing with a positive cosmological constant, the …

Black hole bulk-cone singularities

M Dodelson, C Iossa, R Karlsson, A Lupsasca… - Journal of High Energy …, 2024 - Springer
A bstract Lorentzian correlators of local operators exhibit surprising singularities in theories
with gravity duals. These are associated with null geodesics in an emergent bulk geometry …

Thermalization in large-N CFTs

R Karlsson, A Parnachev, P Tadić - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
In d-dimensional CFTs with a large number of degrees of freedom an important set of
operators consists of the stress tensor and its products, multi stress tensors. Thermalization …

Subleading eikonal, AdS/CFT and double stress tensors

M Kulaxizi, GS Ng, A Parnachev - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 - Springer
A bstract The eikonal phase which determines the Regge limit of the gravitational scat-tering
amplitude of a light particle off a heavy one in Minkowski spacetimes admits an expansion in …

More on heavy-light bootstrap up to double-stress-tensor

YZ Li, HY Zhang - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020 - Springer
A bstract We investigate the heavy-light four-point function up to double-stress-tensor,
supplementing 1910.06357. By using the OPE coefficients of lowest-twist double-stress …