Resilience and extrinsic motivation as mediators in the relationship between fear of failure and burnout

M Yıldırım, Ö Kaynar, F Chirico… - International Journal of …, 2023 -
Athletes with fear of failure are at risk of developing the symptoms of a wide range of
psychological problems, including burnout. Understanding the risks and protective factors of …

11-13 yaş erkek taekwondo sporcularının somatotip yapıları ve performans özellikleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

C Ölmez, V Ayan, S Yüksek, M Öztaş… - Ulusal Spor Bilimleri …, 2019 -
Bu araştırma, Trabzon ili Akçaabat ilçesinde taekwondo sporu ile ilgilenen 11-13 yaş grubu
sporcuların antropometrik, somatotip ve motorik performans özelliklerinin incelenmesi …

[PDF][PDF] Methods of Primary Selection of Young Football Players.

T Vozniuk, N Shchepotina, Y Koliadych… - Sport …, 2021 -
There is a conflict between the objective need to improve the training of young players, the
identification of promising athletes and the lack of scientifically sound methods of their …

Using artificial neural networks to help in the process of sports selection and orientation through morphological and biodynamic parameters: a pilot study

PF de Almeida-Neto, RB Neto, DG de Matos… - Sport Sciences for …, 2023 - Springer
Background Artificial neural networks (ANN) are proving to be a useful tool to assist
professionals in multiple fields of study. However, the use of ANNs to match sport initiation …

[PDF][PDF] Investigation of the effects of the talent identification tests used by the coaches in wrestling on success

Ö Kaynar - Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2019 -
Detection of a talented individual in sports and steering him/her to the relevant sports branch
is very important for sports success. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of the …

Enfoques metodológicos en pruebas de fondo y medio fondo para la identificación del talento deportivo en estudiantes de básica superior de la unidad educativa …

MG Toapanta Lizano - 2023 -
Esta investigación, de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio, se enfocó en la identificación del
talento deportivo en pruebas de fondo y medio fondo en una población de estudiantes de …

Developing a Model for Identifying the Talents in Elementary schools: A Case study of Schools in Tehran

M Abbasiani, M Safarnavadeh… - Iranian Evolutionary …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study was to develop a model for identifying talents in elementary
schools in Tehran using a qualitative approach. The sample consisted of 22 experts in the …

The Effect of Irrational Beliefs on the Perceived Stress Level of University Students Engaged in Team Sports.

AÇ Tunç, M Günay - African Educational Research Journal, 2020 - ERIC
The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of irrational beliefs on perceived stress level
in students dealing with team sports. A total of 354 athletes comprising 145 females and 209 …

Talento desportivo: Perfil morfofuncional e de performance na esgrima, o caso da Espada Feminina

FP Bonito - 2021 -
Objetivo. O objetivo deste estudo foi o da construção de um protocolo de deteção de
talentos na esgrima, mais concretamente na espada feminina. Devido à pandemia COVID …

Sistema de indicadores para la detección de talentos en las pruebas de saltos horizontales del atletismo en las edades de 12 a 14 años en la Unidad Educativa Dr …

J García Jaime - 2020 -
El proceso de detección de posibles talentos deportivos y los indicadores para la
determinación de individuos que posean condiciones para la práctica de un deporte …