Research and implementation of RSA algorithm for encryption and decryption

X Zhou, X Tang - Proceedings of 2011 6th international forum …, 2011 -
Cryptographic technique is one of the principal means to protect information security. Not
only has it to ensure the information confidential, but also provides digital signature …

Energy-efficient high-throughput Montgomery modular multipliers for RSA cryptosystems

SR Kuang, JP Wang, KC Chang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 -
Modular exponentiation in the Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman cryptosystem is usually
achieved by repeated modular multiplications on large integers. To speed up the …

High-throughput modular multiplication and exponentiation algorithms using multibit-scan–multibit-shift technique

A Rezai, P Keshavarzi - IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale …, 2014 -
Modular exponentiation with a large modulus and exponent is a fundamental operation in
many public-key cryptosystems. This operation is usually accomplished by repeating …

Modular multiplication and exponentiation architectures for fast RSA cryptosystem based on digit serial computation

GD Sutter, JP Deschamps… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2010 -
Modular exponentiation with large modulus and exponent, which is usually accomplished by
repeated modular multiplications, has been widely used in public key cryptosystems …

VLSI design of a large-number multiplier for fully homomorphic encryption

W Wang, X Huang, N Emmart… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2013 -
This paper presents the design of a power-and area-efficient high-speed 768000-bit
multiplier, based on fast Fourier transform multiplication for fully homomorphic encryption …

A general digit-serial architecture for montgomery modular multiplication

SS Erdem, T Yanık, A Çelebi - IEEE Transactions on Very Large …, 2017 -
The Montgomery algorithm is a fast modular multiplication method frequently used in
cryptographic applications. This paper investigates the digit-serial implementations of the …

Multifunction residue architectures for cryptography

D Schinianakis, T Stouraitis - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and …, 2014 -
A design methodology for incorporating Residue Number System (RNS) and Polynomial
Residue Number System (PRNS) in Montgomery modular multiplication in GF (p) or GF (2 n) …

Secure and efficient broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks

T Kwon, J Hong - IEEE Transactions on computers, 2009 -
Authenticated broadcast, enabling a base station to send commands and requests to low-
powered sensor nodes in an authentic manner, is one of the core challenges for securing …

A novel and efficient design for an RSA cryptosystem with a very large key size

X Huang, W Wang - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems …, 2015 -
This brief presents a novel and efficient design for a Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
cryptosystem with a very large key size. A new modular multiplier architecture is proposed …

Word-based Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm for low-latency scalable architectures

MD Shieh, WC Lin - IEEE transactions on computers, 2010 -
Modular multiplication is a crucial operation in public key cryptosystems like RSA and elliptic
curve cryptography (ECC). This paper presents a new word-based Montgomery modular …