System and method for natural language processing of query answers

IM Bennett - US Patent 7,702,508, 2010 - Google Patents
Candidate answers responsive to a user query are analyzed using a natural language
engine to determine appropriate answers from an electronic database. The system and meth …

Information retrieval by natural language querying

DE Appelt, JF Arnold, JS Bear, JR Hobbs… - US Patent …, 2003 - Google Patents
At CCPR, Inc.(" CCPR'), the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary operating in Puerto Rico
and the US Virgin Islands, EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and …

Query engine for processing voice based queries including semantic decoding

IM Bennett - US Patent 7,725,307, 2010 - Google Patents
Primary Examiner Martin Lerner Related US Application Data(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm
PatentBest; Andrew McAleavey (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/439,145, filed …

Distributed real time speech recognition system

IM Bennett, BR Babu, K Morkhandikar… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A real-time system incorporating speech recognition and lin guistic
processing for recognizing a spoken query by a user and distributed between client and …

Natural language speech lattice containing semantic variants

I Bennett - US Patent 7,873,519, 2011 - Google Patents
An intelligent query system for processing Voiced-based que ries is disclosed, which uses a
combination of both statistical and semantic based processing to identify the question posed …

Knowledge system method and appparatus

E Abir - US Patent 7,860,706, 2010 - Google Patents
A method and apparatus for automating the acquisition, reconstruction, and generation of
knowledgebases of associated ideas and using such knowledgebases in many applications …

Network based interactive speech recognition system

IM Bennett - US Patent 7,831,426, 2010 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A network based interactive speech system responds in real time to speech-
based queries addressed to a set of topic entries. A best matching response is provided …

System and method for processing sentence based queries

IM Bennett - US Patent 7,657,424, 2010 - Google Patents
Sentence based queries from a user are analyzed to determine appropriate answers from
an electronic database. Text in the queries is dissected to identify different phrases; the …

Method for processing speech using dynamic grammars

IM Bennett - US Patent 7,555,431, 2009 - Google Patents
Speech data is processed with one or more dynamic grammars, to reduce latency and
improve accuracy. Different speech grammars are used by a speech recognition process …

Statistical language model trained with semantic variants

I Bennett - US Patent 7,912,702, 2011 - Google Patents
An intelligent query system for processing voiced-based queries is disclosed, which uses a
combination of both statistical and semantic based processing to identify the question posed …