LED drivers: The role of the rectifier on flicker immunity in ELV DC environment
Within dc operated networks, the ac-dc conversion stage in various appliances is not
needed anymore and may be excluded from the design, thus increasing overall efficiency …
needed anymore and may be excluded from the design, thus increasing overall efficiency …
[PDF][PDF] Qualité de l'énergie dans les alimentations électriques: applications dans les réseaux d'éclairage
L Kukacka - 2018 - core.ac.uk
Résumé Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur les fluctuations temporelles du flux lumineux des
lampes LED, ce phénomène portant le nom de papilottement (flicker). Le papillotement est …
lampes LED, ce phénomène portant le nom de papilottement (flicker). Le papillotement est …
Power quality in DC supplied grids: application to lighting networks
L Kukačka - 2018 - theses.hal.science
This dissertation thesis is concerned with temporal fluctuations of the luminous flux of LED
lamps, a phenomenon referred to as flicker. Flicker is usually regarded as a disturbance due …
lamps, a phenomenon referred to as flicker. Flicker is usually regarded as a disturbance due …