[PDF][PDF] Modelo del alumno para sistemas de aprendizaje colaborativo
EB Durán - Actas del Workshop de Inteligencia Artificial en …, 2006 - researchgate.net
Dado que en todo sistema de aprendizaje soportado por computadora, la personalización
se logra a través del modelo de estudiante, en este trabajo se propone incluir en el modelo …
se logra a través del modelo de estudiante, en este trabajo se propone incluir en el modelo …
An Analytic Model based on ASP for Maintaining ZPDs in CSCL Environments.
G Ayala - ICCE, 2005 - books.google.com
This paper presents an analytical model of an agent about the capabilities of a learner for
CSCL environments in DLV based on the ASP (Answer Sets Programming) formalism. The …
CSCL environments in DLV based on the ASP (Answer Sets Programming) formalism. The …
Agent modelling for CSCL environments using answer sets programming
In this paper, we present the computational model of an agent for CSCL environments,
based on the answer set programming (ASP) formalism. The complete model is formally …
based on the answer set programming (ASP) formalism. The complete model is formally …
Implications of Similarities in Instructional Design, Learner Interface Design and User Interface Design in Designing a User-Friendly Online Module
TT Obilade - Multicultural Instructional Design: Concepts …, 2020 - igi-global.com
The development of a user-friendly online module depends on the inputs, the processes and
the outcomes from the user interface design, the learner interface design and the …
the outcomes from the user interface design, the learner interface design and the …
[PDF][PDF] ASP: from Application Development to Syntax Extensions.
M Ortiz - LA-NMR, 2004 - ceur-ws.org
In this paper some theoretical results in ASP are discussed in the context of application
development. An application of ASP in collaborative learning is presented as a motivation …
development. An application of ASP in collaborative learning is presented as a motivation …
[PDF][PDF] Object-oriented recommendation (OOR) for ubiquitous learning environments
This paper presents a novel recommendation methodology for learners who are doing tasks
in ubiquitous learning environments. The main concept is to deal with a learning task as a …
in ubiquitous learning environments. The main concept is to deal with a learning task as a …
ITVC Mow - 2005 - researchgate.net
Teaching computer programming skills within the university context has proven to be a
difficult and challenging task. The cognitive load placed upon students is heavy, and it is …
difficult and challenging task. The cognitive load placed upon students is heavy, and it is …
Application of ASP for agent modelling in CSCL environments
This paper presents the pertinence of the use of the Answer Set Programming (ASP)
formalism for developing a computational model of a software agent for Computer …
formalism for developing a computational model of a software agent for Computer …
[引用][C] Caracterizacion de ASP mediante logicas de Nelson Propuesta de Proyecto de Investigacion
MMO de la Fuente, AS Aguilar