[PDF][PDF] Modelo del alumno para sistemas de aprendizaje colaborativo

EB Durán - Actas del Workshop de Inteligencia Artificial en …, 2006 - researchgate.net
Dado que en todo sistema de aprendizaje soportado por computadora, la personalización
se logra a través del modelo de estudiante, en este trabajo se propone incluir en el modelo …

An Analytic Model based on ASP for Maintaining ZPDs in CSCL Environments.

G Ayala - ICCE, 2005 - books.google.com
This paper presents an analytical model of an agent about the capabilities of a learner for
CSCL environments in DLV based on the ASP (Answer Sets Programming) formalism. The …

Agent modelling for CSCL environments using answer sets programming

G Ayala, M Ortiz, M Osorio - Sixth Mexican International …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we present the computational model of an agent for CSCL environments,
based on the answer set programming (ASP) formalism. The complete model is formally …

Implications of Similarities in Instructional Design, Learner Interface Design and User Interface Design in Designing a User-Friendly Online Module

TT Obilade - Multicultural Instructional Design: Concepts …, 2020 - igi-global.com
The development of a user-friendly online module depends on the inputs, the processes and
the outcomes from the user interface design, the learner interface design and the …

[PDF][PDF] ASP: from Application Development to Syntax Extensions.

M Ortiz - LA-NMR, 2004 - ceur-ws.org
In this paper some theoretical results in ASP are discussed in the context of application
development. An application of ASP in collaborative learning is presented as a motivation …

[PDF][PDF] Object-oriented recommendation (OOR) for ubiquitous learning environments

MM El-Bishouty, H Ogata, G Ayala… - Proceedings of the 16th …, 2008 - researchgate.net
This paper presents a novel recommendation methodology for learners who are doing tasks
in ubiquitous learning environments. The main concept is to deal with a learning task as a …


ITVC Mow - 2005 - researchgate.net
Teaching computer programming skills within the university context has proven to be a
difficult and challenging task. The cognitive load placed upon students is heavy, and it is …

Application of ASP for agent modelling in CSCL environments

G Ayala, M Ortiz, M Osorio - Mexican International Conference on Artificial …, 2005 - Springer
This paper presents the pertinence of the use of the Answer Set Programming (ASP)
formalism for developing a computational model of a software agent for Computer …

[引用][C] 基于知识空间的多级感知空间处理技术研究

陈其晖, 徐海宁, 凌培亮 - 计算机科学, 2008

[引用][C] Caracterizacion de ASP mediante logicas de Nelson Propuesta de Proyecto de Investigacion

MMO de la Fuente, AS Aguilar