Muslim Perception on Zakat as A Tax Deduction in Indonesia
S Bin Lahuri - Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, 2022 -
This study aims to examine the Muslim community's perception of tax-deductible zakat in
Indonesia. We employ exogenous variables including religiosity, halal and haram aspects …
Indonesia. We employ exogenous variables including religiosity, halal and haram aspects …
Introduction: Indonesia possesses a significant potential for Zakah, yet the collected amount
currently only reaches around 4.3%. This requires a diligent and dedicated effort to …
currently only reaches around 4.3%. This requires a diligent and dedicated effort to …
Mapping Zakat Potential at the City Level in Indonesia and Strategies for Optimizing Zakat Collection
Zakat, a core pillar of Islam, serves as an essential tool for wealth redistribution and socio-
economic welfare. Despite Indonesia being home to the largest Muslim population globally …
economic welfare. Despite Indonesia being home to the largest Muslim population globally …
Mapping Zakat Potential at the City Level in Indonesia and Strategies for Optimizing Zakat Collection
Zakat, a core pillar of Islam, serves as an essential tool for wealth redistribution and socio-
economic welfare. Despite Indonesia being home to the largest Muslim population globally …
economic welfare. Despite Indonesia being home to the largest Muslim population globally …
Shifting Paradigm of Zakat and Tax for Economic Justice in Muslim Society
S bin Lahuri, I bt Muhammad, AA Zuhroh… - Conference on SDGs …, 2024 -
Abstract basically, The reason for this have a look at is to find out and take a look at the
factors outcomes the perception of the Muslim community in Indonesia. This study is taken …
factors outcomes the perception of the Muslim community in Indonesia. This study is taken …
Pengaruh pengetahuan perpajakan dan penerapan e-filling terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak jika dimoderasi religiusitas dan pemahaman internet
RZ Nisa - 2023 -
6. Orang tua tersayang, terkasih dan tercinta yaitu Bapak Purnomo dan Ibu Sutiani juga
seluruh keluarga yang senantiasa memberikan do'a, dukungan, perhatian, dan kasih …
seluruh keluarga yang senantiasa memberikan do'a, dukungan, perhatian, dan kasih …
Zakat on Business Entities and its Tax Treatment
The focus of this paper is on zakat on business entities and its tax treatment, whether the
zakat clause as a deduction from taxable income regulated in Law Number 23 of 2011 …
zakat clause as a deduction from taxable income regulated in Law Number 23 of 2011 …
Exploring muslim taxpayers' intentions to reduce tax liability through zakat rebates
I Muhammad, NSM Nor - Proceeding International Conference on …, 2024 -
This study investigates the impact of Malaysia's zakat rebate system, introduced in 2001 as
part of the individual tax framework, wherein Muslim taxpayers can reduce their tax …
part of the individual tax framework, wherein Muslim taxpayers can reduce their tax …
Pengaruh motivasi pengetahuan perpajakan, motivasi ekonomi, motivasi karir dan motivasi kualitas terhadap minat mahasiswa akuntansi untuk mengikuti brevet …
FA Suhendra - 2023 -
INDONESIA: Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang membahas mengenai
Persyaratan Serta Pelaksanaan Hak Dan Kewajiban Seorang Kuasa, khususnya pada …
Persyaratan Serta Pelaksanaan Hak Dan Kewajiban Seorang Kuasa, khususnya pada …
Muslim Scholars' Perception ofn Zakat Management: A Case Study at An Islamic Higher Education
A Akbar - Indonesian Research Journal in Education| IRJE …, 2023 -
This research aimed to describe the perception of lecturers at the Faculty of Sharia and Law
at the Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, on the management of zakat in …
at the Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, on the management of zakat in …