Risk management: The reinvention of internal control and the changing role of internal audit
LF Spira, M Page - Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2003 - emerald.com
The publication of the Turnbull guidance represented a radical redefinition of the nature of
internal control as a feature of corporate governance in the UK, explicitly aligning internal …
internal control as a feature of corporate governance in the UK, explicitly aligning internal …
Food and memory
JD Holtzman - Annu. Rev. Anthropol., 2006 - annualreviews.org
Much of the burgeoning literature on food in anthropology and related fields implicitly
engages with issues of memory. Although only a relatively small but growing number of food …
engages with issues of memory. Although only a relatively small but growing number of food …
[图书][B] Cultura transmedia: la creación de contenido y valor en una cultura en red
H Jenkins, S Ford, J Green - 2015 - books.google.com
Actualmente el entorno mediático contemporáneo se caracteriza por ser un espacio donde
las empresas ya no son quienes controlan estrictamente la distribución de la información; …
las empresas ya no son quienes controlan estrictamente la distribución de la información; …
[图书][B] Knowledge and knowers: Towards a realist sociology of education
K Maton - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
We live in 'knowledge societies' and work in 'knowledge economies', but accounts of social
change treat knowledge as homogeneous and neutral. While knowledge should be central …
change treat knowledge as homogeneous and neutral. While knowledge should be central …
[引用][C] Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination
J Assmann - 2011 - books.google.com
Now available to an English-speaking audience, this book presents a groundbreaking
theoretical analysis of memory, identity and culture. It investigates how cultures remember …
theoretical analysis of memory, identity and culture. It investigates how cultures remember …
Materialidad: una introducción
D Miller - Tecnologías en los márgenes: Antropología, mundos …, 2015 - torrossa.com
Existe un principio subyacente que se encuentra en la mayoría de las religiones que
dominan la historia registrada. La sabiduría ha sido atribuida a aquellos que sostienen que …
dominan la historia registrada. La sabiduría ha sido atribuida a aquellos que sostienen que …
[图书][B] Cultural intimacy: Social poetics in the nation-state
M Herzfeld - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Cultural Intimacy Page 1 Page 2 CULTURAL INTIMACY Second Edition Page 3 This page
intentionally left blank Page 4 CULTU L INTIMACY Second Edition Social Poetics in the …
intentionally left blank Page 4 CULTU L INTIMACY Second Edition Social Poetics in the …
Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics
A Wendt - International organization, 1992 - cambridge.org
The debate between realists and liberals has reemerged as an axis of contention in
international relations theory. Revolving in the past around competing theories of human …
international relations theory. Revolving in the past around competing theories of human …
A theory of human needs
L Doyal, I Gough - Critical social policy, 1984 - journals.sagepub.com
We maintain that a concept of human needs is an essential component in formulating a
feasible socialist vision of what the future could be like. We believe that such a vision is a …
feasible socialist vision of what the future could be like. We believe that such a vision is a …