Kavram ve kuramlarıyla Marshall Mcluhan'a bakış: Günümüzün egemen medya araçları ekseninde bir değerlendirme

E Varol, MÇ Varol - Uluslararası Kültürel ve Sosyal Araştırmalar …, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
Bireysel toplumda bir kitle düşünürü, McLuhan, tipografik teknolojinin batı toplumlarındaki
düşünsel değişimi nasıl etkilediğini tanımlamaya çalışmıştır.“Elektronik medya” olarak …

[图书][B] Affective publics: Sentiment, technology, and politics

Z Papacharissi - 2015 - books.google.com
Over the past few decades, we have witnessed the growth of movements using digital
means to connect with broader interest groups and express their points of view. These …

[PDF][PDF] Digital Competence in Practice: An Analysis of Frameworks

A Ferrari - Publications Office of the European Union, 2012 - ekurzy.npi.cz
With the 2006 European Recommendation on Key Competences, 1 Digital Competence has
been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the …

Knock, Knock. Who's There? The Imagined Audience

E Litt - Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
For more than a century, scholars have alluded to the notion of an “imagined audience”—a
person's mental conceptualization of the people with whom he or she is communicating. The …

Affective news and networked publics: The rhythms of news storytelling on# Egypt

Z Papacharissi… - Journal of communication, 2012 - academic.oup.com
This study traces the rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter via the# egypt hashtag. Using
computational discourse analysis, we examine news values and the form of news exhibited …

[图书][B] What journalism could be

B Zelizer - 2017 - books.google.com
What Journalism Could Be asks readers to reimagine the news by embracing a conceptual
prism long championed by one of journalisms leading contemporary scholars. A former …

Textual analysis: A beginner's guide

A McKee - 2003 - torrossa.com
Lots of academic books start off with the claim that all failings in the logic and presentation of
ideas in this book are entirely the fault of the author. It's even more true for a personal rant …

Medicine as culture: illness, disease and the body

D Lupton - 2012 - torrossa.com
Western societies in the early 21st century are characterized by people's increasing
disillusionment with scientific medicine. Paradoxically, there is also an increasing …

Media literacy and the challenge of new information and communication technologies

S Livingstone - The communication review, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
Within both academic and policy discourses, the concept of media literacy is being extended
from its traditional focus on print and audiovisual media to encompass the internet and other …

Office chitchat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work

JR Methot, EH Rosado-Solomon… - Academy of …, 2021 - journals.aom.org
Small talk—trivial communication not core to task completion—is normative and ubiquitous
in organizations. Although small talk comprises up to one-third of adults' speech, its effects in …