The effect of performance appraisal on job performance in governmental sector: The mediating role of motivation

Y Al-Jedaia, A Mehrez - Management science letters, 2020 -
The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of performance appraisal on job
performance focusing on the role of Motivation in the governmental sector in Qatar. While …

The impact of emotional intelligence on job performance via the mediating role of job satisfaction

I Vratskikh, R Masadeh, M Al-Lozi… - International Journal of …, 2016 -
Recent research findings are accumulating evidence that Emotional Intelligence (EI) is
associated positively with important work manners. However, the research on Emotional …

[PDF][PDF] Determinants of financial well-being among public employees in Putrajaya, Malaysia

N Mokhtar, AR Husniyah - Pertanika Journal of Social …, 2017 -
People generally see finance as anything that can be associated with the economic situation
of the family. Thus, managing finances among individuals may result in satisfaction or …

[HTML][HTML] Desempeño laboral de acuerdo al estado de salud del trabajador y el uso del móvil en organizaciones laborales

N Amador Licona, M Aguirre García… - Nova scientia, 2018 -
Introducción Múltiples factores del trabajador como su salud influyen en su desempeño
laboral. La comunicación móvil se ha entrelazado con las rutinas diarias y su uso se ha …

Determinants of female employees' job performance in Malaysia

S Kamaruddin, K Omar, J Saputra… - Management …, 2021 -
Job performance becomes one of crucial issues and challenges faced by the organizations
and it is related to employees' performance. In conjunction with the issue, this study …

Predicting academic performance: Analysis of students' mental health condition from social media interactions

MSH Mukta, S Islam, S Shatabda, ME Ali, A Zaman - Behavioral Sciences, 2022 -
Social media have become an indispensable part of peoples' daily lives. Research suggests
that interactions on social media partly exhibit individuals' personality, sentiment, and …

The impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance and employee engagement: mediating role of job satisfaction

S Naz, C Li, HSUD Khan… - Middle East Journal of …, 2019 -
The aim of the study was to explore the impact of emotional intelligence on employee
engagement, employee performance. It also investigated the mediating role of job …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between transformational leadership behavior, organization's mission, and employees' job performance of Abu Dhabi National Company

A Dhanhani, NH Abdullah - Journal of Human Resources …, 2022 -
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between transformational
leadership behaviours and the employees' job performance by focusing on Abu Dhabi …

Is gossip associated with nurses' job performance perceptions?

A Durmuş, H Kırılmaz, Ö Şahin - Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi …, 2020 -
Bu çalışma hemşirelerin iş performansı ile dedikodu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek
amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın verileri Nisan-Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında …

Özel öğretim kurumlarında görev alan öğretmenlerin iş güvencesi algısının örgütsel bağlılık ve performansa etkisi

A Karapınar, Z Hatipoğlu - Yıldız Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021 -
Günümüz iş dünyasında çalışanların bağlı oldukları örgütlerden maddi beklentilerinden
ziyade maddi olmayan beklentileri de artmaktadır. Örgütlerin çalışanlarına verdiği güven …