A synthesis of recent tools and perspectives in migratory connectivity studies

KA Gregory, C Francesiaz, F Jiguet, A Besnard - Movement Ecology, 2023 - Springer
Migration movements connect breeding and non-breeding bird populations over the year.
Such links, referred to as migratory connectivity, have important implications for migratory …

[PDF][PDF] A preliminary assessment of the scope and scale of illegal killing and taking of wild birds in the Arabian peninsula, Iran and Iraq

AL Brochet, S Jbour, RD Sheldon, R Porter, VR Jones… - Sandgrouse, 2019 - cms.int
High levels of illegal killing and taking of wild birds were recently reported for eastern
Mediterranean countries, and anecdotal information from other countries of the Middle East …

Genetic diversity of a recovering European roller (Coracias garrulus) population from Serbia

I Matić, N Veličković, D Radišić, L Milinski, M Djan… - PloS one, 2024 - journals.plos.org
The European Roller (Coracias garrulus), a long-distance migratory bird, faced a
considerable decline in breeding pairs throughout Europe at the end of the 20th century …

Geographical variation in pace-of-life in a long-distance migratory bird: implications for population management

T Schwartz, A Besnard, JM Avilés, T Catry, A Górski… - Oecologia, 2021 - Springer
Life-history theory predicts that animals should develop adaptive trade-offs between survival
and reproduction to maximize their fitness. This results in a continuum of life-history …

Spatio-temporal migratory patterns, habitat crossing and within-individual movement repeatability of Central Mediterranean European Rollers Coracias garrulus

F Monti, S Cannarella, D Ćiković, V Tutiš, J Kralj… - Behavioral Ecology and …, 2024 - Springer
Populations of long-distance migratory species may exhibit dissimilarities in the leeway of
scheduled annual migration programs, the routes they follow and their convergence at …

Breeding phase and outcome determine space use in European rollers Coracias garrulus prior to migration

F Monti, S Barišić, S Cannarella, D Ćiković… - Current …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
The breeding period is a demanding and time-constrained phase for migratory bird species.
Breeding outcome and duration can interact with the extent and duration of post-breeding …

Non-breeding ranging behaviour, habitat use, and pre-breeding migratory movements of Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) wintering in southern Europe

SE McKinlay, M Morganti, A Mazzoleni, A Labate… - Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Improving our understanding of the spatio-temporal distribution of migratory game species is
pivotal for developing flyway-based management strategies. We used miniaturized GPS …

Rekolonizacija istorijskih staništa ugrožene vrste modrovrane (Coracias garrulus L. 1758) na području Centralnog Banata u Srbiji

Л Милински - Универзитет у Новом Саду, 2024 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Modrovrana (Coracias garrulus), transaharska migratorna vrsta tokom 20. veka beležena
kao česta gnezdarica, krajem tog veka izostaje sa gnežđenja na severu Srbije. Značajno …

Les dispositifs artificiels au service de la restauration et de la compensation écologique: de l'évaluation du risque de piège écologique aux recommandations de …

T Schwartz - 2020 - theses.hal.science
Pour faire face aux changements rapides de l'environnement induits par l'Homme, de
nombreuses politiques publiques de protection de la nature ont été mises en place. Parmi …

[PDF][PDF] A kárpát-medencei szalakóta populáció vonulási útvonalai, telelő-és pihenőterületei

K Orsolya, T Béla - rollerproject.eu
The European Roller (Coracias garrulus) is a strictly protected species in Hungary; however,
its population has shown a slight increase during the past decades. Our goal was to …