Subspace representation learning for sparse linear arrays to localize more sources than sensors: A deep learning methodology

KL Chen, BD Rao - arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.16605, 2024 -
Localizing more sources than sensors with a sparse linear array (SLA) has long relied on
minimizing a distance between two covariance matrices and recent algorithms often utilize …

Low complexity DOA estimation based on weighted noise component subtraction for smart-home application

H Guan, S Ding, W Dai, X Tan, Y Long, J Liang - Applied Acoustics, 2025 - Elsevier
In smart home applications, accurate direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of sound sources
is essential for beamforming and product interaction features. However, domestic …

Deep Learning with Estimation and Complexity Guarantees for Signal Processing

KL Chen - 2024 -
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Deep Learning with Estimation and Complexity
Guarantees for Signal Processing A dissertation Page 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN …

[PDF][PDF] Similar hierarchical representation of speech and other complex sounds in the brain and deep residual networks: An MEG study

THZ Cheng, KL Chen, J Schubert, YP Chen, T Brown… -
Listeners recognize a vast number of complex sounds, but vocal sounds, speech and song,
are essential for communication. Recently, deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved …

[PDF][PDF] Empowering Speech Processing with Deep Neural Networks: Theory and Applications

AFC Filter -
Empowering Speech Processing with Deep Neural Networks: Theory and Applications
Page 1 Empowering Speech Processing with Deep Neural Networks: Theory and …