[图书][B] Greek Buddha: Pyrrho's Encounter with Early Buddhism in Central Asia

CI Beckwith - 2017 - books.google.com
How a Greek philosopher's encounters with Buddhism in Central Asia influenced Western
philosophy Pyrrho of Elis went with Alexander the Great to Central Asia and India during the …

The Tibetic languages and their classification

N Tournadre - Trans-Himalayan linguistics: Historical and descriptive …, 2014 - degruyter.com
The term “Tibetic” has been used in the recent past by some authors in different ways to refer
to various intermediate levels of classification within Tibeto-Burman (eg Matisoff 2003 …

On etymology of Sinitic, Indo-European and Uralic terms for'star'supported by regular sound correspondences

J Gao - Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Using etymological methods, the present study has researched four Sinitic and Germanic
shared (Sino-Germanic) etymologies (etyma) and two Sinitic and Uralic shared (Sino-Uralic) …

The intensive controversy on Chinese historical phonology: Refutation of the liquid medial for division-2 in Old Chinese

J Gao - Trames, 2021 - ceeol.com
The present paper reports the intensive controversy on Chinese historical phonology that
broke out in 2002. After sorting through over 150 Chinese papers on the intensive …

[HTML][HTML] Identification of the etymon of Indo-European'moist', Sinitic'south', Tibeto-Burman'sun, day, sky'and Hungarian nap'sun, day'

G Jingyi - Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Using etymological methods, the present study has identified two Sinitic and Germanic
shared (SinoGermanic) etymologies (etyma):[南, 陰]. These two etyma form a rhyme …

Karl August Hermanni hiina-soome-eesti keelevõrdlus ning kehtivad ja kehtetud etümoloogiad parandustega

J Gao - Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of …, 2019 - ojs.utlib.ee
Selles töös on üle vaadatud Karl August Hermanni 1895. aastal ilmunud artikkel, milles ta
võrdles mandariinihiina keelt uurali keeltega, eriti eesti ja soome keelega, ning järeldas, et …

Structural evolution of the Tibetan syllable: A cross-dialectal study

V Leongue - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Old Tibetan allows up to four consonants in word-initial position and up to two in word-final
position. This complexity has undergone varying degrees of simplification as the ancient …

[HTML][HTML] Etimologías que tienen en común las lenguas siníticas y las romances en las palabras en español can, pan, caño, manar, mano y sano

J Gao, B Ding - Estudios filológicos, 2023 - SciELO Chile
Resumen GAO, Jingyi y DING, Bowen. Etimologías que tienen en común las lenguas
siníticas y las romances en las palabras en español can, pan, caño, manar, mano y sano …

[图书][B] The Serbi-Mongolic language family: Old Chinese, Middle Chinese, Old Mandarin, and Old Tibetan records on the Hsien-pei (Xianbei) languages and their …

AE Shimunek - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Although most scholars now generally agree that the Serbi (Hsien-pei or Xianbei)
languages, including Kitan or'Khitan'(Ch'i-tan or Qidan) and Taghbach or'Tabghatch'(T'o-pa …


Г Цзин-И, РС Белолипецкий - … Московского университета. Серия …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
При использовании этимологических методов были выявлены три синитические и
славянские общие (сино-германские) этимологии (этимоны) U+ 9E7F1, U+ 97322 и U+ …