[PDF][PDF] Preoxygenation  Comparison of Maximal Breathing and Tidal Volume Breathing Techniques

AS Baraka, SK Taha, MT Aouad… - The Journal of the …, 1999 - academia.edu
Background: Preoxygenation with tidal volume breathing for 3–5 min is recommended by
Hamilton and Eastwood. This report compares tidal volume preoxygenation technique with …

Total oxygen uptake with two maximal breathing techniques and the tidal volume breathing technique: a physiologic study of preoxygenation.

JJ Pandit, T Duncan, PA Robbins - Anesthesiology, 2003 - europepmc.org
BACKGROUND: Three common methods for preoxygenation are 3 min of tidal breathing,
four deep breaths taken within 30 s (4DB), and eight deep breaths taken within 60 s (8DB) …

Comparison of four methods of preoxygenation

JW McCrory, JNS Matthews - British journal of Anaesthesia, 1990 - Elsevier
We studied four different techniques of preoxygenation in 20 healthy volunteers, by
continuous analysis of respired gases. Three minutes of tidal breathing from a Magill …

Pre‐oxygenation in pregnancy: an investigation using physiological modelling

SH McClelland, DG Bogod, JG Hardman - Anaesthesia, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Hypoxaemia during anaesthetic induction in obstetrics is hazardous for mother and baby,
but the onset of desaturation can be delayed by pre‐oxygenation. This study investigated …

Pre‐oxygenation: a comparison of two techniques using a Bain system

MJ Ronney - Anaesthesia, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Pre‐oxygenation using a standard technique of tidal breathing for 3 min through a Bain
system with a fresh gas flow of 8 1. min− 1 was compared with up to six vital capacity breaths …

Préoxygénation avant induction pour césarienne

F Bernard, V Louvard, ML Cressy, M Tanguy… - Annales françaises d' …, 1994 - Elsevier
Résumé Vingt-sept patientes à terme, ASA 1 et 2, devant bénéficier d'une césarienne sous
anesthésie générale, sont réparties par tirage au sort en deux groupes en fonction de la …

Vía aérea difícil. Reconocimiento y manejo

EFJY Cortés - Revista Médica del Hospital General de México, 2000 - medigraphic.com
En la práctica médica, la prevención es uno de los objetivos fundamentales. Al hablar de
manejo de vía aérea, la identificación de un caso difícil debe de alertar al médico para …

The Obese Parturient

HA Panaro, VE Ortiz - Perioperative Anesthetic Care of the Obese …, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
INTRODUCTION The incidence of overweight and obesity in women of childbearing age
has reached epidemic proportions. High maternal body mass index (BMI) is associated with …

[PDF][PDF] Four Vital Capacity Breaths Can Delay the Onset of Haemoglobin Desaturation Following Nasopharyngeal Oxygen Insufflation.

J CR, U Madhusudan - … Journal of Public Health Research & …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Four Vital Capacity Breaths Can Delay the Onset of Haemoglobin Desaturation Following
Nasopharyngeal Oxygen Insufflation. Page 307 Four Vital Capacity Breaths Can Delay the …

[PDF][PDF] Oxigenação Prévia à Intubação Traqueal em Idosos: Comparação entre Dois Métodos

H Halpern, PPR Neto, R Paes… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2020 - rba.periodikos.com.br
METODOLOGIA Após aprovação pela Comissão de Ética do Hospital e consentimento
esclarecido do paciente, 20 adultos maiores que 60 anos, em jejum, a serem submetidos à …