[HTML][HTML] Water pollution and distribution of the black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

TN Docile, R Figueiró, LH Gil-Azevedo… - Revista de biologia …, 2015 - scielo.sa.cr
Black flies have medical importance because some species are vectors of the
Onchocerciasis and Mansonelosis, nevertheless, their ecology and potential use as …

Water quality index (WQI) of Jaguari and Atibaia rivers in the region of Paulínia, São Paulo, Brazil

MAG Ramos, ES Bueno de Oliveira, ACS Pião… - Environmental …, 2016 - Springer
Due to the concern with the quality of hydric resources, the monitoring is essential to
evaluate and identify the anthropogenic and environmental interferences in a quantitative …

Four-month assessment of water quality in a channeled urban stream in são paulo state, Brazil

BN Rocha, FC Bellato, CC Arantes… - Water, Air, & Soil …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) faces an intense water crisis, which
requires measures to guarantee water supply. However, it neglects urban water bodies …

Caracterização da água da microbacia do córrego Rico avaliada pelo índice de qualidade de água e de estado trófico

HLHT Zanini, LAD Amaral, JR Zanini… - Engenharia …, 2010 - SciELO Brasil
A avaliação do índice de qualidade da água (IQA) e do índice de estado trófico médio
(IETm) pode subsidiar a formulação de planos de manejo e gestão de sistemas aquáticos …

The influence of natural and anthropic environmental variables on the structure and spatial distribution along longitudinal gradient of macroinvertebrate communities …

AV Batalla Salvarrey, CB Kotzian… - Journal of insect …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Southern Brazilian rivers and streams have been intensively affected by human activities,
especially agriculture and the release of untreated domestic sewage. However, data about …

The Biodiversity of Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Brazil: New Distribution Records and Updated Checklist

ÓS Molina, AT Aranda, FG Chimes - Neotropical Entomology, 2024 - Springer
Currently, according to the most recent Simuliidae World Inventory, there are 97 valid
species of blackflies recorded in Brazil, some of which act as vectors for zoonoses such as …

Environmental and aquatic macroinvertebrates metrics respond to the Eucalyptus afforestation gradient in subtropical lowland streams

M Barrios, G Tesitore, M Burwood, B Suárez… - Hydrobiologia, 2024 - Springer
Eucalyptus afforestation may affect stream ecosystems, but the magnitude of these effects on
water quality and biota in subtropical lowland streams is little understood. We evaluated the …

[PDF][PDF] Qualidade das águas de riachos da região norte do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) através de variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas

R König, CRH SUZIN, RM Restello… - Pan-American Journal of …, 2008 - panamjas.org
Os prejuízos causados aos corpos hídricos pelas atividades humanas geram a necessidade
de informações confiáveis no que diz respeito à qualidade de água. O presente estudo …

[PDF][PDF] Efeito de metais Cobre (Cu) e Zinco (Zn) sobre a comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em riachos do sul do Brasil

MS Vendruscolo, C Biasi, RM Restello… - Acta Scientiarum …, 2008 - redalyc.org
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de metais (Cu e Zn) sobre a comunidade de
macroinverterados bentônicos. Foram amostrados, trimestralmente, entre setembro de 2006 …

Are the streams of the Sinos River basin of good water quality? Aquatic macroinvertebrates may answer the question

L Bieger, ABP Carvalho, MN Strieder… - Brazilian journal of …, 2010 - SciELO Brasil
Macroinvertebrate communities are one of the most used groups in assessments of water
quality, since they respond directly to the level of contamination of aquatic ecosystems. The …