Herd behaviour and cascading in capital markets: A review and synthesis

D Hirshleifer, S Hong Teoh - European Financial Management, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
We review theory and evidence relating to herd behaviour, payoff and reputational
interactions, social learning, and informational cascades in capital markets. We offer a …

Learning from the behavior of others: Conformity, fads, and informational cascades

S Bikhchandani, D Hirshleifer, I Welch - Journal of economic …, 1998 - aeaweb.org
Learning by observing the past decisions of others can help explain some otherwise
puzzling phenomena about human behavior. For example, why do people tend to converge …

Why do firms imitate each other?

MB Lieberman, S Asaba - Academy of management review, 2006 - journals.aom.org
Scholars from diverse disciplines have proposed numerous theories of business imitation.
We organize these theories into two broad categories:(1) information-based theories, where …

The theory of business strategy

C Shapiro - The Rand journal of economics, 1989 - JSTOR
* The field of industrial organization has been transformed during the past twenty years. In
the 1950s and 1960s, IO was predominantly an empirical field with little theory to guide …

Learning from peers' stock prices and corporate investment

T Foucault, L Fresard - Journal of Financial Economics, 2014 - Elsevier
Peers' valuation matters for firms' investment: a one standard deviation increase in peers'
valuation is associated with a 5.9% increase in corporate investment. This association is …

How does corporate investment respond to increased entry threat?

L Frésard, P Valta - The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2016 - academic.oup.com
We study how product-market interactions affect investment. We use reductions of import
tariffs to examine how incumbents modify investment when the threat of rivals' entry …

Capital structure and product market behavior: An examination of plant exit and investment decisions

D Kovenock, GM Phillips - The review of financial studies, 1997 - academic.oup.com
We examine whether sharp debt increases through leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations
interact with market structure to influence plant closing and investment decisions of …

Information flows among rivals and corporate investment

D Bernard, T Blackburne, J Thornock - Journal of Financial Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
Using a novel pairwise measure of firms' acquisition of rivals' disclosures, we show that
investment opportunities drive interfirm information flows. We find that these flows predict …

Reproducing knowledge: Replication without imitation at moderate complexity

JW Rivkin - Organization Science, 2001 - pubsonline.informs.org
The complexity of a firm's strategy affects both the ease with which the firm can replicate the
strategy in a new setting and the ease with which rivals can imitate it. Simple strategies are …

Acquisition vs. internal development as modes of market entry

GK Lee, MB Lieberman - Strategic Management Journal, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
An established firm can enter a new product market through acquisition or internal
development. Predictions that the choice of market entry mode depends on 'relatedness' …