Elementary vectors and conformal sums in polyhedral geometry and their relevance for metabolic pathway analysis

S Müller, G Regensburger - Frontiers in Genetics, 2016 - frontiersin.org
A fundamental result in metabolic pathway analysis states that every flux mode can be
decomposed into a sum of elementary modes. However, only a decomposition without …

Towards scaling elementary flux mode computation

E Ullah, M Yosafshahi, S Hassoun - Briefings in bioinformatics, 2020 - academic.oup.com
While elementary flux mode (EFM) analysis is now recognized as a cornerstone
computational technique for cellular pathway analysis and engineering, EFM application to …

Stoichiometric and constraint-based analysis of biochemical reaction networks

S Klamt, O Hädicke, A von Kamp - … -scale networks in engineering and life …, 2014 - Springer
Metabolic network analysis based on stoichiometric and constraint-based methods has
become one of the most popular and successful modeling approaches in network and …

Unlocking elementary conversion modes: Ecmtool unveils all capabilities of metabolic networks

TJ Clement, EB Baalhuis, B Teusink, FJ Bruggeman… - Patterns, 2021 - cell.com
The metabolic capabilities of cells determine their biotechnological potential, fitness in
ecosystems, pathogenic threat levels, and function in multicellular organisms. Their …

Sequential computation of elementary modes and minimal cut sets in genome-scale metabolic networks using alternate integer linear programming

HS Song, N Goldberg, A Mahajan… - Bioinformatics, 2017 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Motivation Elementary (flux) modes (EMs) have served as a valuable tool for
investigating structural and functional properties of metabolic networks. Identification of the …

Finding elementary flux modes in metabolic networks based on flux balance analysis and flux coupling analysis: application to the analysis of Escherichia coli …

S Tabe-Bordbar, SA Marashi - Biotechnology letters, 2013 - Springer
Elementary modes (EMs) are steady-state metabolic flux vectors with minimal set of active
reactions. Each EM corresponds to a metabolic pathway. Therefore, studying EMs is helpful …

Genome-scale reconstruction of the metabolic network in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501

P Babaei, SA Marashi, S Asad - Molecular BioSystems, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 is an endophytic bacterium capable of nitrogen fixation. This
strain has been isolated from the rice rhizosphere and provides the plant with fixed nitrogen …

Computing elementary flux modes involving a set of target reactions

L David, A Bockmayr - IEEE/ACM transactions on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Elementary flux mode (EM) computation is an important tool in the constraint-based analysis
of genome-scale metabolic networks. Due to the combinatorial complexity of these networks …

Computing irreversible minimal cut sets in genome-scale metabolic networks via flux cone projection

A Röhl, T Riou, A Bockmayr - Bioinformatics, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Motivation Minimal cut sets (MCSs) for metabolic networks are sets of reactions
which, if they are removed from the network, prevent a target reaction from carrying flux. To …

EFMlrs: a Python package for elementary flux mode enumeration via lexicographic reverse search

BA Buchner, J Zanghellini - BMC bioinformatics, 2021 - Springer
Background Elementary flux mode (EFM) analysis is a well-established, yet computationally
challenging approach to characterize metabolic networks. Standard algorithms require huge …