[PDF][PDF] Firms' Inflation Expectations: Which Expectations Matter When?

H Afrouzi - 2022 - newyorkfed.org
• Massive literature on how firms and households are not well-informed about inflation (eg
Kumar et al., 2015; Coibion et al., 2018, and many more).• How could inflation be so stable …

[PDF][PDF] Effective dialogue and well anchored inflation expectations: essential tools for navigating challenging times

JC Williams - Central banking in the Americas: Lessons from two …, 2023 - bis.org
Recent experience has underscored the essential roles that dialogue among central banks
and well anchored inflation expectations can play in helping central banks navigate difficult …

[PDF][PDF] Survey of Indigenous Firms: A Snapshot of Wages, Prices and Financing in the Indigenous Business Sector in Canada

C Cheung, J Fudurich, J Shah, F Suvankulov - 2024 - bankofcanada.ca
Since 2022, consumer inflation expectations have shifted, with a significant increase in
those expecting high inflation in the coming year and a surge in those expecting deflation …