Applicability of Wakeby distribution in flood frequency analysis: a case study for eastern Australia
Parametric method of flood frequency analysis (FFA) involves fitting of a probability
distribution to the observed flood data at the site of interest. When record length at a given …
distribution to the observed flood data at the site of interest. When record length at a given …
A uniqueness result for L-estimators, with applications to L-moments
JRM Hosking, N Balakrishnan - Statistical Methodology, 2015 - Elsevier
We show that if a linear combination of expectations of order statistics has mean zero across
all random variables that have finite mean, then the linear combination is identically zero. A …
all random variables that have finite mean, then the linear combination is identically zero. A …
Nonparametric Confidence Regions for L-Moments
JRM Hosking - Ordered Data Analysis, Modeling and Health Research …, 2015 - Springer
Methods for constructing joint confidence regions for L-skewness and L-kurtosis are
compared by Monte Carlo simulation. Exact computations can be based on variance …
compared by Monte Carlo simulation. Exact computations can be based on variance …