What constitutes student well-being: a scoping review of students' perspectives

S Hossain, S O'Neill, I Strnadová - Child indicators research, 2023 - Springer
Student well-being has recently emerged as a critical educational agenda due to its wide-
reaching benefits for students in performing better at school and later as adults. With the …

A case study of factors that affect secondary school mathematics achievement: teacher-parent support, stress levels, and students' well-being

TT Wijaya, IF Rahmadi, S Chotimah, J Jailani… - International Journal of …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Psychology is one of the numerous factors that influences students' mathematics
achievement, but studies on the influence of psychology on student mathematics …

Analysis of factors affecting academic performance of mathematics education doctoral students: A structural equation modeling approach

TT Wijaya, B Yu, F Xu, Z Yuan, M Mailizar - International Journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
Student academic performance is an important indicator of doctoral education quality, but
limited research has focused on how multiple influential factors of doctoral students' …

The role of junior adolescents' school well-being/ill-being characteristics in school anxiety variations

RM Shamionov, MV Grigoryeva, AV Sozonnik… - European journal of …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Difficulties that junior adolescents (aged 11–13 years old) experience in terms of academic
adaptation, which are indicated through school anxiety and academic wellbeing …

The effectiveness of motivational interviewing counseling to improve psychological well-being on students with online game addiction tendency

MT Afriwilda, M Mulawarman - Islamic …, 2021 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
Psychological well-being is a condition of a person who is not only free from pressure or
mental problems but a mental condition that is considered healthy and functioning optimally …

The transition from middle school to high school: The mediating role of perceived peer support in the relationship between family functioning and school satisfaction

M Muscarà, U Pace, A Passanisi, G D'Urso… - Journal of Child and …, 2018 - Springer
The study focused on the transition from middle school to high school and aimed to verify the
mediating role that perceived peer support may play in the relationship between family …

[PDF][PDF] Sekolah Menyenangkan: Konsep Sekolah yang Mempromosikan Well-being Berdasarkan Suara Anak-Anak, Orang Tua, dan Guru di Indonesia: Grounded …

TNP Candra, MN Rizal - Jurnal Psikologi Integratif, 2021 - researchgate.net
Banyak penelitian menekankan pentingnya sekolah meluaskan perannya lebih dari
sekadar meningkatkan akademik, juga menciptakan wellbeing anak. Sayangnya sistem di …

Academic and non-academic factors explaining anxiety among accounting students: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic

A Callimaci, A Fortin, G Lux, MA Caron… - Accounting …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Studies have demonstrated the presence of anxiety among undergraduate students. Some
causal factors are academic, but many are non-academic. The pandemic changed the way …

Intensi pelaku perundungan (bullying): Studi fenomenologi pada pelaku perundungan di sekolah

A Azzahra, ALA Haq - Psycho Idea, 2019 - jurnalnasional.ump.ac.id
Perundungan atau bullying merupakan tindakan agresi yang diakukan berulang-ulang
kepada korban. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensi melakukan perundungan …

Narrativas del alumnado de Educación Primaria sobre su bienestar escolar: un diagnóstico inicial

E Requejo, L Losada-Puente… - … de investigación en …, 2022 - ruc.udc.es
El interés por conocer el bienestar dentro de los centros educativos, sobre todo, desde la
perspectiva de sus protagonistas, los niños y las niñas, ocupa un lugar central en la …