[图书][B] Your sons are at your service: Tunisia's missionaries of jihad
AY Zelin - 2020 - degruyter.com
1. Abu 'Iyadh al-Tunisi,“Opening Statement at the Ansar al-Sharia Forum,” May 21, 2011. 2.
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Waqafat ma'thamrat al-jihad, Minbar al-Tawhid wa-l-Jihad …
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Waqafat ma'thamrat al-jihad, Minbar al-Tawhid wa-l-Jihad …
Explaining Recruitment to Extremism: A Bayesian Hierarchical Case–Control Approach
Who joins extremist movements? Answering this question is beset by methodological
challenges as survey techniques are infeasible and selective samples provide no …
challenges as survey techniques are infeasible and selective samples provide no …
Transnational terrorism and the internet
Does the internet enable the recruitment of transnational terrorists? Using geo-referenced
population census data and personnel records from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant …
population census data and personnel records from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant …
Managing insurgency
P Schram - Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Why would an insurgent group turn away foreign fighters who volunteered to fight for its
cause? To explain variation in foreign fighter usage, I present a novel perspective on what …
cause? To explain variation in foreign fighter usage, I present a novel perspective on what …
Critical junctures in terrorism studies: the Arab Spring and the new twenty-first century security environment
MJ Schumacher - Critical Studies on Terrorism, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Conclusion The Arab Spring marked a critical juncture for terrorism studies. Unlike after
9/11, where the temporal significance of that day had to be narratively constructed to justify a …
9/11, where the temporal significance of that day had to be narratively constructed to justify a …
Transnational Terrorist Recruitment: Evidence from Daesh Personnel Records
Global terrorist organizations attract radicalized individuals across borders and constitute a
threat for both sending and receiving countries. We use unique personnel records from the …
threat for both sending and receiving countries. We use unique personnel records from the …
[PDF][PDF] Climate change and violent extremism in north Africa
M Bourekba - 2021 - academia.edu
As climate change intensifies in many parts of the world, more and more policymakers are
concerned with its effects on human security and violence. From Lake Chad to the …
concerned with its effects on human security and violence. From Lake Chad to the …
[PDF][PDF] The Development of Tunisia's Domestic Counter-Terrorism Finance Capability
AY Zelin, K Bauer - The Washington Institute, 2019 - academia.edu
Background Prior to the 2011 revolution, Tunisia's AML/CFT system had limited capacity.
Officials considered the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing to be low in Tunisia …
Officials considered the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing to be low in Tunisia …
[PDF][PDF] Quel avenir pour le djihadisme?
M HECKER, É TENENBAUM - Al-Qaïda et Daech après le califat …, 2019 - frstrategie.org
Résumé Le proto-État érigé par Daech en Irak et en Syrie s' est effondré sous les coups de
boutoirs de ses adversaires. Avec la perte de son sanctuaire, la capacité de cette …
boutoirs de ses adversaires. Avec la perte de son sanctuaire, la capacité de cette …
Women and Terrorism in Bangladesh
J Lorch, MAK Azad - Women and Terrorism in Bangladesh, 2023 - nomos-elibrary.de
In der gesamten süd-und südostasiatischen Region ist die zunehmende Beteiligung von
Frauen am Terrorismus ein zunehmend auffälliges, aber wenig untersuchtes Phänomen …
Frauen am Terrorismus ein zunehmend auffälliges, aber wenig untersuchtes Phänomen …