Att lära av och med varandra: en etnografisk studie av musik i förskolan i en flerspråkig miljö

A Ehrlin - 2012 -
Abstract Anna Ehrlin (2012): To learn from and with one another, an ethnographic study of
music in preschools in a multilingual environment. Örebro Studies in Music Education 7 …

[图书][B] Cross-media news work-Sensemaking of the mobile Media (R) evolution

O Westlund - 2011 -
This dissertation makes a longitudinal study of transforming tensions in media production
processes. It focuses on the thoughts and actions of new and mobile media in the interplay …

The leader as a facilitator of learning at work: A study of learning-oriented leadership in two industrial firms

A Wallo - 2008 -
The focus in this thesis is on the leader as a facilitator of co-workers' learning in the
workplace. This can be seen as a currently growing area of research where the roles of …

Swedish preschool leadership–supportive of music or not?

A Ehrlin - British Journal of Music Education, 2015 -
This study uses observations and interviews to investigate how the leadership at three
Swedish preschools in Sweden has impacted the didactic choices made. Two of these …

Chefers arbete i äldreomsorgen–att hantera den svårhanterliga omvärlden: Relationen mellan arbete och organisering

H Antonsson - 2013 -
Vid filosofiska fakulteten vid Linköpings universitet bedrivs forskning och ges
forskarutbildning med utgångspunkt från breda problemområden. Forskningen är …

Malmens manliga mysterium: En interaktiv studie om kön och tradition i modernt gruvarbete

E Andersson - 2012 -
Avhandlingen bidrar till förståelse för yrkeslivets betydelse för en uppdelning mellan män
och kvinnor, manlighet och kvinnlighet. Genom att belysa hur maskulinitet gestaltas och …

[图书][B] Internetbehandling med KBT: En praktisk handbok

J Bjärehed, K Vernmark - 2013 -
praktisk handbok Natur & Kultur Page 2 Förlaget påminner om att detta verk är skyddat av …

Working with events to build a destination brand identity-the DMO perspective

J Johansson - rapport nr.: Master Thesis 2007: 33, 2008 -
The tourism industry is considered one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the
world. To successfully compete in this increasingly competitive environment, it is a relatively …

[PDF][PDF] The leader as a facilitator of learning at work

A Wallo - A study of learning-oriented leadership in two industrial …, 2008 -
The focus in this thesis is on the leader as a facilitator of co-workers' learning in the
workplace. This can be seen as a currently growing area of research where the roles of …

Quality improvement within nonprofit social service providers

T Neubeck - 2016 -
As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers
proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively …