A morte eo morrer e suas representações sociais para ateus e fiéis de diferentes religiões

GS Paula - 2019 - bdtd.uerj.br
Este estudo tem como objeto “a morte e o morrer e suas representações para grupos
religiosos e ateus”, cujo interesse investigativo foi se delineando a partir de experiências …

[PDF][PDF] Propensity Score Matching Menggunakan Support Vector Machine pada Kasus Diabetes Melitus (DM) Tipe 2

S Hasanah - 2018 - repository.its.ac.id
Penelitian non-experimental dapat dilakukan diberbagai bidang salah satunya bidang
kesehatan. Dalam bidang kesehatan Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) tidak dapat …

[PDF][PDF] Examining attitudes toward infant safe sleep recommendations among African American mothers and grandmothers

MM McClellan - 2019 - getd.libs.uga.edu
African American infants are twice as likely to die from sleep-related infant deaths than are
infants of other races. Despite the perceived simplicity of infant safe sleep recommendations …