La Roumanie du communisme au post-communisme

C Bocancea - 1999 -
Désespérement attendu pendant plusieurs décennies, l'après-conununisme est devenu,
enfin, une réalité. Néanmoins cette réalité est beaucoup moins confortable que la …

[图书][B] Political science-Romania

D Barbu - 2002 - Political science - Romania Page 1 Political science -
Romania Barbu, Daniel Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Sammelwerksbeitrag …

Primele alegeri ale postcomunismului românesc

A Radu - Sfera Politicii, 2018 -
The vote of 20 May 1990 was the one that inaugurated the proportional election of the
parliamentarians in the Romanian post-communism, as well as the popular election of the …

Puterea şi opoziţia în alegerile parlamentare din Republica Moldova şi din România

C Solomon, V Enea - Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice, 2012 -
The article analyzes the power and the opposition in parliamentary elections in Moldova and
in Romania. Short history of parliamentarism show how both countries are antagonistic …

The Democratic Convention–an experiment of the civic and political alliance of post-communist Romania

I Filip - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
Our research interest focuses on the political dimension of democratic transition. We believe
that the emergence of political parties and how they interact will count in the further …

Fizionomia stângii politice din Republica Moldova

I Certan - Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii de Stat” Bogdan …, 2006 -
Existenţa partidelor politice, partidismul ca fenomen politic–reprezintă un element esenţial al
democraţiei. Între partidism şi democraţie există o relaţie directă biunivocă, în sensul că …


Cuvinte-cheie: România, Parlamentul, alegeri parlamentare, elită politică, putere politică,
democrație, control parlamentar, partide politice, diplomație parlamentară, relații …

The difficult road of transition: the Romanian elections from 1990 and 1992 and their political consequences

M Ivănescu - Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences …, 2015 -
The most desirable goal of any transition process is democratization, in both political and
economic fields, but the road to a consolidated democracy is often filled with uncertainties …

Electorat şi alegeri în România Postdecembristă.

E TUŞA - Sphere of Politics/Sfera Politicii, 2015 -
With the introduction of multiparty system in 1990, he held the reorganization of parties and
candidates supported by them to organize campaigns based on modern rules and through …

Electorat si alegeri în România Postdecembrista: Câteva reflectii asupra scrutinurilor din ultimii 25 de ani

E Tusa - Sfera Politicii, 2015 -
With the introduction of multiparty system in 1990, he held the reorganization of parties and
candidates supported by them to organize campaigns based on modern rules and through …